Saturday, January 23, 2021


Like Trump, I crave attention. But unlike him I haven't been kicked off of Twitter, and do not grab people by the feminine regenerative organ part. Or poo in his incontinence pants because long-time overuse of cocaine, methamphetamines, and adderall bollicks up the lower intestines. I'm not even on Twitter.
I'm an adult.

Instead, I might occasionally post an opinion on Facebook.

Such as:

"New York Pizza NEEDS pineapple. Plus salami and mushrooms."

I actually don't like mushrooms on pizza. Dry heat such as a pizza oven gives yields little grey rubbery things, whereas sauteed to the point of caramelization is perfect. But that's neither here nor there.

And nothing improves Chicago Deep Dish pizza. Except a trashcan.

Per wikipedia, barbecue chicken pizza is popular in California. Strongly suggesting that the aricle "list of pizza varieties by country" may have been written by a Satanist.
From the East Coast.

Barbecue chicken has as much a role on pizza as it does in macaroni and cheese, which is an abomination, by the way. Or peanut butter.

Pineapple belongs on pizza. Along with anchovies and Sriracha.

Do it for the children.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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