Thursday, January 21, 2021


Over the years I've carefully chosen my Facebook friends, and constructed a well-maintained block list as well. The blocked list includes racists, republicans, and various other rightwingers. Plus a large number of Christians. And a few totally repulsive people.

The friends list consists of fellow pipe smokers, book mavens, rabbis, talmudic scholars, foodies, artists, old colleagues, coconspirators, Dutch-speakers (overlap with other categories), pipe artisans, friends from various businesses and familiar haunts. And quite a few general overlaps and insightful weirdoes.

It's an echo chamber, yes, but a deliberately chosen one. I share my opinions, they share theirs, and none of us like a comment string turning into a war zone. Plus the article links they occasionally post usually lead to stuff I want to read.

Not a single one of them is a Qanon fool.

Possibly forty percent are Jews.

I am not Jewish.

The list includes a banker, a diplomat, a few poets, an archeologist, an art-historian, some computer and comic book geeks, several scientists, plus a doctor or two. 400 plus.

I am rather proud that all of them don't mind associating with me.

Their company has been enlightening, and often entertaining.
This is more or less a thank you.
Please cary on.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, we are blushing at your kind words, of which we are not worthy.

You are the ghost pepper of my spice cabinet, and the raven rapping at my chamber door. You play Mephistopheles to my Faust, Caliban to my Prospero and the iceberg to my Titanic.

May your inkwell never lack for wormwood and gall.

Roar on, and let no nonsense escape your lightning bolts.

The internet needs you.


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