Sunday, January 10, 2021


Pursuant my recent mention of Trumpite scumball Kevin Greeson, where I stated that he died after a self-induced heart-attacked from tazing himself repeatedly in his testicles, several of my readers whom I know personally took me aside and chastised me for perpetuating a falsehood. He did not taze himself in the balls. He tazed himself in the penis. Same result.
The testicle story is the "fake media" imposing their narrative.

Okay. I will issue a retraction.

Kevin Greeson did NOT die as a result of tazing his own testicles.
He zapped his own penis instead.

He was attempting to steal a painting of Tip O'Neill (his childhood idol) when he accidentally set off the device in his pocket. Probably not the first time his penis hurt while holding Tip O'Neill.

He's in the arms of the angels now. Who all look like Tip O'Neill. Holding (big, big!) tazers and cattle prods. There are already posters of him on Parler with a beautific smile on his face.
The charred tissue from his heroic electrical storm is being passed around as we speak like a holy relic by the adulating faithful.
Once again, the penis, not the testicles.
They exploded independently.
He had them in a jar.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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