Saturday, January 09, 2021


Events in Washington this past week leave me feeling cheated. A violent mob broke into the Capitol Building, and were treated with kid gloves while perpetrating their crimes. If those had been Democrats storming the Capitol, or African Americans, there would have been piles of dead and wounded.

The police forces have spent all summer justifying vicious brutality against peaceful protestors. This week their "law and order" friends committed an outrage, and were welcomed.

Which stands in marked contrast to how the cops behaved in the last for years.

I blame the president for instigating a riot. And I am absolutely shocked that there weren't piles of corpses, or blood and guts cascading down the steps to the Capitol.

Nary an accusation of unnecessary force, even.

Surprising police "gentleness",

It is not the "time to heal". It is the time for heads. Who led this mob? Who are the ringleaders? Who prevented an appropriate defense against their attack? Which senators abetted this? Who entered the building illegally. Which politicians and political appointees elsewhere lent support or organizational skills to facilitate this? Who prayed for the success of this adventure?

I want to see people lose their jobs, arrested, imprisoned.

This was an attempt to undo the votes of eighty million citizens who voted for Biden, by the extremists who have taken over the Republican Party, and by their leader, Donald Trump.
This was an assault on democracy, this was an attack on America.
This was NOT a tea party.

It is not time to heal. First we must cut out the diseased tissue and sterilize the affected area. Identify the disease, neutralize it, erradicate it.

After that, and the passage of sufficient time, we can start entertaining thoughts of healing.

This is not the time to waffle about "healing".

PS. May Ashli Babbit burn in hell.
Like Benjamin Phillips, Kevin Greeson, and Roseanne Boyland.
Treasonous garbage.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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