Sunday, May 08, 2022


Apparently watermelon and refried beans are a distinct thing at the University of Tennessee. According to a well-known crazy-ass Republican dingo. Tomi Lahren, part of the braintrust of the far-right, tweeted the following on April 24th.: "I spoke at University of Tennessee a few days ago and experienced a new leftist “tactic.” These liberal freaks on campuses are now gorging themselves on watermelon and refried beans in an attempt to barf on conservative speakers. Yes. You read that correctly. Good lord!"
[End cite.]

No Sweetie, that's just Southern cookin'. If they barfed, it was because of you.

Actually, that sounds like a low starch fad diet met chronic student poverty and the two of them had a threesome with veganism. Perhaps a Rosemary's baby resulted.
Like Tomi Lahren, it should have been drowned at birth.

It also sounds like Tomi Lahren really dislikes people who eat either watermelon or refried beans (or at least people she believes do so), and is scared of them because they might lessen her blonde white wholesome sanctity in some unholy voodoo manner.

Maybe she binge-watched the exorcist while drunk?

Must have been the night that the captain of the highschool football team rejected her impure advances in Rabid City, South Dakota. Which was named either after an ancestor of hers, or the signal characteristic her tribe is known for. Just guessing here. Could be any number of things. One imagines that something traumatic caused her dislike of both watermelons and refried beans. Maybe there was an ethnic person at her school more liked than her oh the injustice! One single ethnic person!
I'm guessing that Tomi Lahren never touches watermelon and refried beans. She wakes up screaming from nightmares in which watermelon and refried beans cause her pain. It takes several virgin sacrifices before she calms down. Sometimes she has to rip the legs off a puppy before her breathing returns to normal.

Show me on this turnip where watermelon and refried beans hurt you.

"I spoke at University of Tennessee a few days ago and experienced a new leftist “tactic.” These liberal freaks on campuses are now gorging themselves on watermelon and refried beans in an attempt to barf on conservative speakers. Yes. You read that correctly. Good lord!"

I don't know. Watermelon and refried beans?

Perhaps she's paranoid AND psychotic?

Her coworkers should be warned.

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