Sunday, May 15, 2022


Describing the aftermath of the attack, one police officer told Buffalo News: "It's like walking onto a horror movie, but everything is real. It is Armageddon-like".

Later on Saturday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul said the suspect was a "white supremacist who has engaged in an act of terrorism".

This was "a military style execution targeting people who simply wanted to buy groceries in a neighbourhood store," she said while visiting Buffalo.

"We are investigating this incident as both a hate crime and a case of racially-motivated violent extremism," Stephen Belongia, the agent in charge of the FBI's Buffalo office, told a news conference.

The suspect is believed to have driven for several hours to reach the predominantly black area of the city. Thirteen people were shot in total and the majority of the victims were black, Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said.

SOURCE: BBC -- Buffalo shooting: Ten dead in attack at supermarket in New York state

Please note that several people whom I have no choice but to associate with on work days have informed me that there is no racism, no sir, it's all just communist exaggeration.

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