Sunday, April 02, 2023


The retired member of the judicial branch used to be, per his own words, a liberal. What came out of his mouth today proves that that may have been only skin deep. For over two hours he was defending Trump and whining venomously and ignorantly about the Democrats. The change has been noticeable ever since he remarried.
He has hit apogee now. The senescent twat.

It shows how much some people depend upon their nearest and dearest for their opinions.

I wonder if he has any real friends left. He sounds sour, old, and no longer sane.

The gentlemen in the back room keep me young. They are shining examples of stagnation, and no better examples of what not to be could be found without traveling to Texas or Arkansas. Qanon has their number in buckets.

If at this point you mentally see a shaman pooing in his incontinence pants while drooling into his oatmeal, you know exactly what I mean, and you have an imagination that frightens me, because that is more than the doctor called for.

That said, two friends who dropped by this afternoon today were shocked that I was smoking an aromatic pipe tobacco. No, they didn't stage an intervention, instead, they spent about two hours in denial of my degeneracy. Which I would defend as actually being broadmindedness regarding tobacco. I am not hemmed in by categorial boundaries but will try new things.
Including something that has a mild yet bizarre top dressing.
Good Virginias, very mild Burley percentage.
It's pleasant, albeit odd.
Normally I will abjure aromatics, decrying them in severely Protestant style as clear signs of degeneracy, profligacy, moral decay, the veritable whore of Babylon, fit only for syphilitics and half wits. Faugh. Fie. Jayzus man go smoke that foul hippie garbage out back with the vermin and drunks.

I shall not tell you what it is, because you have no need to know, you are probably far too young in any case, and I would not wish to lead you astray.
Let's preserve your innocence just a little bit longer.
You dewy young thing you.

While they were there they distracted me nicely from the vicious old podgewattle's insane ranting in the back room.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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My plan today is to get out of the house relatively early for chores and lunch, then relax with my pipe in the alleyways, avoiding the touri...