Saturday, April 22, 2023


It has been far too long that the sectarians and irridentists have ruled that territory, it is now high time that the Chinese take back Tonkin and Quinam and finally put paid to the heresies of the tattoed savages. The southward march of civilization (南進) must be resumed.

This is a conclusion to which I came after having endured the judicial member whining and kvetching for over three hours about President Biden. Since the fellow retired he has become mentally flacid, and his marriage to that Vietnamese American woman has exposed him to rightwing propaganda from dawn till crack of dusk. He's sucked it from her teat, as it were. The Vietnamese Americans of her age group are, as a block, venomously anti-Chinese and therefore rabidly pro-Trump, and from being an apathetic liberal he's turned into a toxic wastedump of retrograde conservatism. He's weak minded, and an opportunist.

Vietnam wouldn't have survived if they weren't useful to the Chinese and Soviets as proxy warriors against the Americans. China would have swallowed the territory by now, and totally reabsorbed it. The only reason they even still exist is that their army has not withered yet.
But their entire national identity is that they hate and envy the Chinese. It is what defines them. Instead of getting in a snit over Taiwan, China should sweep south and impose civilization by brute force.
If China has to impose one language over her territories, let her begin by erasing that whiny cretinous mewing of Namyuet, and replace it with something civilized. Cantonese, or even Mandarin, for instance. It wouldn't be difficult, as what they speak now is half Chinese anyhow, though mongrerlized almost beyond belief, and the culture there is sort of devolutionary Chinese in every aspect. But quite perverse.

The sealscript glyph above shows a servile tribal next to a ceremonial bronze battle axe, anciently used to denote the savage tribals beyond the frontier. Appropriate.
Taking them and their territory back is a sacred duty.
Erase all memory of their rebelious chiefs.
Teach them proper behaviour.

Good lord I'd love for that senile old fart to shut up.
The road to his silence goes through his wife.
If she's apoplectic, he will be quiet.
Fire and sword, China,
Fire and sword.

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