Monday, April 24, 2023


It baffles me how I came to be outside the compound bitch-slapping Marjorie taylor Greene with wet towels until the police took her away in handcuffs, and what the State Department and US passports had to do with the Honduran woman is also confusing. It had some odd connection with her request for fingerprints. All of this goes to show that one should not have a nap after eating chocolate.

Still, I enjoyed bitch-slapping Marjorie taylor Greene.
The towels were warm and heavy.

Bitch-slapping Marjorie Taylor Greene is an appropriate thing to do on a warm sunny day. It's a harbinger of Spring. Getting the Honduran woman off my case was icing on the cake.
Good thing I remembered the State Department.
It may have been too much chocolate.

Also, no idea how petai (stinkbean from Malaysia and Indonesia) got in there. Nothing I ate recently even resembles it. And I am not even fond of it.

If you twist the towels a bit tightly, they are more effective. This is important, because unless whacked into a grumbly state the strident dingbat will continue to bellyache about things very loudly and make accusations, and good heavens nobody wants that. Today she was shouting about Tucker Carlson, which apparently I had something to do with, and it took quite a bit of wet toweling to shut her down.

It had to be done. I just wish I wasn't the one who was forced to do it.
That must have been my Messiah complex kicking in.
It's very American of me.

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