Monday, March 27, 2017


Sometimes Facebook is filled with scum-sucking sludge. In the last twenty four hours someone in Jerusalem called me a dipshit and a moron, and someone else wrote about me in that same comment string that I was "a nokhri who was well-known in the Jewish blogoshphere 10 years ago for knowing absolutely nothing yet was claiming he knew everything."

For your information, it was about gluten. My point of view was distinctly unpopular, and I never even got a chance to testify to all the wonderful things gluten had done for me hallelujah, or supportively state that as far as I was concerned, gluten-phobes and special dietary needs people should totally feel free to use whichever bathroom felt right for them.

"A nokhri who was well-known in the Jewish blogoshphere 10 years ago for knowing absolutely nothing yet was claiming he knew everything."

Well, I'd like to know everything. But I have never claimed that I do. So the most favourable interpretation is either that he has me confused with someone else, or he was drunk as an owl.

But it doesn't quite matter which; I am horribly offended.
I wonder which of his pets I've accidentally killed.
Or maybe it was his ovine concubine.

What disturbs me is how many high-strung belligerent neurotics there are in certain circles. Along with a tightly clenched anus, it passes for intellectualism, I suppose.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's mostly an East-Coast thing.

Alas, poor twisted-knicker people.

The impaired.

Update at 11:10 AM the next day: The person who called me a dipshit and a moron posted in that group "Guys did you know that it's possible to be sarcastic and funny and cynical without being an actual dick.
Is this idea totally foreign to you?

Apparently it is.

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