Thursday, September 09, 2021


When reading the phrase book, the sentence "where is the toilet?" will be encountered. Which is, of course, entirely useless. Because the answer is almost always "als je effe die trap op gaat, and dan de derde deur links, zal je een erg schone twalet vinden, die op Amerikaansche maatstaven gebouwd is, zonder die typisch Nederlandsche keutel-op-een-plateau vorm die je overal elders hier ziet". Which is informatively useless, as the respondent will naturally have assumed that despite your accent you speak perfect Serbo-Croatian.

The most important phrase in any language is 蒜蓉番茄薄餅 ('suen yung faan ke pok peng'; garlicky tomato pizza). Really, it makes everything so much easier.

It's especially useful in New York.

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