Tuesday, September 28, 2021


Full partial confession: being both severely Anglo as well as descended from a long line of sour Dutch Calvinists, and older than thirty, I naturally disapprove of popular music festivals. The music is painfully loud and very bad ("why don't they sing like Bing Crosby or Frankie Valli anymore?" -- kvetch wail and bellyache), there are far too many people, some of them pungently unclean, and they're all whacked out of their little juvenile minds.
I can't stand Grateful Dead events.
Hate Outside Lands.

"Illicit drug contamination from public urination happens at every music festival."
--------Dan Aberg, pursuant testing of the river at Glastonbury, quoted by the BBC

The easy solution to that problem is to ban beer. No beer, no micturition.

And it should be no problem doing so. Tobacco has already been banned, the gay cigarette kiosks, plus the Swisher Sweets and Flor De Miami marketing tents with their cheerful bunting, disappeared a long time ago, and women are no longer exclaiming "j'adore le arôme du Clan tabac; un arôme unique délicieux mélange pour la pipe" at their studly suave man-toy.

So forbidding spoiled barley soup should be a cake walk.

I disapprove of all excess other than my own.

And I do not habitually drink beer.

I fondly imagine a mass musical event with the well-behaved throng sipping hot tea and occasionally, at the appropriate time, engaging in mixed dancing while not touching.
Because there are children present.

Restraint at all times.

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