Thursday, September 30, 2021


The most important issue facing me today is where I shall go this afternoon for snackies. Admittedly, that's small beans in the grand scheme of things, a blip in the universe. But on a micro-level, it's rather important. There are some places which I do not wish to visit this week; they've seen enough of me. A rut. Plus I do not want to wear out my welcome.
Factor in neuroses and it becomes a quandary.

Add to that things I have to do while out and about and it balloons.
Plus, of course, there will be a walk and a pipe afterwards.

Being distinctly an un-people person doesn't help.
Sometimes I don't feel sufficiently 'peoplish'.

I have become the man in the Chas Adams cartoon gloating over his supply of tires in his basement. Or the chap getting ready to tip the boiling oil over the revelers.
Two early childhood ideals, in a way.

Maybe just tea and a pastry.

Observe the human species from a safe distance afterwards. If anyone says something positive about the tobacco, they're probably good people. And may have interesting other things to say. Or not. Not everyone feels the need for conversation, and sometimes communication is better achieved in silence.

You will note that the illustration above is not a careful composition. There is no pastry there, primarily because the simplicity of a tea cup is easy, drawing the accompanying pastry would have been hard. I like the series of ovals presented by the beverage and its container, and adding a textured element (bakery item OR table surface) would have taken far longer, lessening the sanity and mood preserving effect of making the picture. Which took around three hours to do, and required colour choices which occupied the mind.

A very good friend would have spent less time drawing it, and would have shown a contemplative rabbit drinking it. His rabbit watercolours are charming.

I do not do rabbits very well.
It's a failing, I know.

Tea is definite.

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