Wednesday, September 15, 2021


When I head over to work again I must make sure not to gloat, because the work environment, ideally, should be calm, harmonious, and rational. So the phrases that come out of my mouth should be ameliorative. "Dan, I'm sorry your candidate didn't win, I understand your pain", and "Joseph, don't worry, there will be another chance for a Republican as governor". Rather than "Bwaahaahaahaah you losers! Your repulsive Christian slime-boys got their asses totally whupped in a land-slide, dudes!"

Because, of course, they did.

Other than the farmers from the Central Valley, who traditionally have preferred caveman politics, because their enterprise thrives on feudal conditions and environmental degredation, or the simple folks in rural hinterland areas of Northern California, who are have always been un-proggressive, stubbornly anti-science psychopaths and racists, California overwhelmingly showed Larry Elder, John Cox, and Caitlynn "twizzle bot" Jenner the door.

This despite massive interference by the religious rightwing, Qanonites, militia types, and the Fox News demographic.

Tommi Lahren and Tucker Carlson are probably heartbroken.


Given the results, I expect the boys will hide their despondency by nattering on about how evil and communistic our current president is, as well a spouting more balanced views about sports. Some of them may resort to Christian prayer, or soiling their adult diapers.
A few might over eat. Or be drunk by noon.

I shall be a gentleman.

And ignore them.

Except perhaps to suggest, gently, that they can move to Florida.

Bless their hearts.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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