Saturday, September 18, 2021


It has been a misty end of the week, with two areas invisible from the parking lot, because of the haze. Autumn seems to have come early. The rest of this great state is still experiencing conditions which Republican sage and leading politician Larry Elder says are non-existent, in consequence of which vapor rich air gets pulled in along the coast.
Which is unseasonable at this time of year.
There is no climate change.

We need to rake more.

Perhaps if we rake a big enough pile of it, the Republicans can jump in it and disappear.
One thing which I find fascinating is the recent theory that getting the vaccine gives you swollen or enlarged testicles. I honestly haven't checked -- it's not something most men do, we're not obsessive -- but if my testicles had swollen, I'm sure I would have noticed by now.

No, I'm still not going to look and find out.

I am insufficiently testicle-focussed.

Shan't ask anyone else either.
Apparently swollen testicles are one more reason why people in the MidWest and Deep South are refusing to get vaccinated. They're worried sick about their testicles.
As well as obsessed with sizes.

The pipes pictured above were smoked by a man with normal size testicles. You can take that for granted. I sort of know my own testicles, even though I haven't given them names. Like Rocky and Ballwinkle, for instance. In the extremely unlikely eventuality that I ever may have to make excuses for them, either one, I shall not say "I'm sorry Rocky destroyed your finest porcelain teacups, he didn't mean to". Whatever I say, testicle-wise, will be soothing in sound, and will preserve their anonymity. Whoever is listening will remain unaware, probably blissfully so, of my testicles, whether or not teacups are involved.

My enormous or quite otherwise testicles -- let's call them Rocky and Ballwinkle -- are and shall be uninvolved with your grandma's precious heirloom porcelain collection.
But I confess. I haven't researched the matter on youtube.

The paranoia of rightwingers becomes ever more absurd.
Bloated testicles, good lord.

Note: I'm sorry I mentioned my testicles so many times. I'm not obsessed. I planned to write about Larry Elder, and why I think he's absolutely insane, but my testicles got in the way.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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