Monday, September 20, 2021


There are good reasons, overwhelming reasons, why the rational person might wish to avoid the company of Christians. Not least of which are their well-known habits of burning scientists at the stake, labelling elderly women as witches or ducks and attempting to weigh or drown them, and picking their noses at unsuitable times, like at the dinner table.

That last is as good a reason as any not to break bread with them, and probably why butter knives were invented; so you can stab the filthy Christians.

Before they touch the food.

Oxygen is the purest element of God.

OK, the unspoken truth is that we in the anti-masking community believe that Oxygen is the purest element of God. "Ox" is the symbol of redemption, "y" as in the Y chromosome (god the father), "gen" as in genesis or origin/beginning.

Wearing a mask serves as a divider between God the Father and man. Thus we end up breathing in increased CO2, Carbon, being the mark of the beast (6 protons, 6 neutrons, 6 electrons) is the mark of the beast 666. Because of this decrease in O2 and increase in CO2, it will cause humans to behave more diabolical I.e. increased fornication via sodomy and masturbation.

Studies have proven that wearing masks leads to increased homosexual behavior. We believe that this is directly due to the lack of oxygen to the pineal gland.

Anti-breathers are the anti-christ, and in conclusion, we as children of God cannot be associated with such deviance.


Boogers, as should be obvious, also interfere with your intake of oxygen, and must be assiduously removed lest you feel an inclination to masturbate or sodomize.

The best way, if you don't have fingers, is with a toothpick.


I can't be a bigot, some of my best friends are Christian! Of course I haven't spoken to them in years (decades), but my actual best friend's oldest brother is a Presbyterian, so if you think about it, my "best friend in law" is a believer!

So there's that.

Um, yeah.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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