Thursday, September 23, 2021


Like most other people, I form my opinions more or less because of what I see on social media. Which often proves that there are large areas of this country where I do not wish to go, and which I despise or sneer at. Texas, Florida, Placerville, and Oakland. For instance.

Many of my FB friends are fellow pipe smokers, of all ages and genders. Although there do seem to be a somewhat large number of pictures of bushy-bearded gentlemen on my Facebook, only a few of them are rabbis or Talmudists.

Some of them are indeed rabbis.
Rabbis mostly don't smoke.

Neil said:
COVID is killing one American every 43 seconds. Just tragic.

John disagreed:
I'm sorry, Neill, but I can't agree that it's tragic. It's unavoidable, and it makes me sad, of course. However, the primary reason the Covid problem exists in the US at this point is because people are too damn stupid to get vaccinated. Those same people are accosting vaccinated, masked people, showing pure hostility to those of us willing to protect both ourselves and others (yes, I was accosted by six unmasked, unvaccinated fools simply because I wanted to buy groceries). Having been also delayed for 8 hours from seeing an ER doctor while in the midst of severe strokes, I can feel utterly no sympathy for the unvaccinated who are clogging our hospitals and severely stressing our medical staffs. For us, their passing may be OK, as it will result in a significant rise in the American IQ. I'm sorry, but hospitals should refuse to admit unvaccinated Covid patients. Health insurance companies MUST stop paying for them. Life insurance companies MUST refuse to pay survivors. The tragedy is that people remain too foolish to get a vaccine, while the consequence of the tragedy is that dumbasses are falling dead.

I wrote:
It is still tragic, but my well of sympathy is mostly dried up at this point. The antivaxxer connected with [ --- ] is still convinced that he's right, and the scientists and doctors are either wrong or part of a dastardly plot. Despite even the rightwing idiots trying to argue otherwise with him. Time to give up on him and everyone like him. We just need to keep folks like that away from children and people with compromised immunities. Dumb as a pile of bricks is a self-induced co-morbidity. I want the elderly fossils I see regularly to survive this (and most of them will; they're not stupid), and if that means that blockheads don't, well, I have easily come to terms with that.

That one thing that unfortunately shows that I am also becoming an old fossil is my irritation at the tourists in Chinatown and young white yuppies on Polk Street who go around without masks, unconcerned at the infection they may be spreading to the small people and immuno-compromised.

[BTW: 'irritation' is the wrong word.]

Rae (probably not a pipe smoker) commented:
It can be tragic when it comes unexpected. But it is not tragic when it was avoidable but the prevention was rejected. I had a haircut yesterday from an unvaccinated young man who is not convinced that the vaccine will not make him sterile! Him: “I want to have kids.” Me: “If you are dead it won’t matter.”

On a related note, there are people who cannot talk on their cell-phones with their masks over their noses while on the damn' bus. Which is remarkable. Many of them are Caucasian, aged anywhere between mid-twenties and senescence, and prosperous looking. A large number of them look like Financial District office workers.
They too are represented in the Venn diagram above.
This post is inclusionary.

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