Sunday, April 04, 2021


Not everyone who has graduated from a university, or even ended up teaching at one, has a functioning brain. I have been chided by a perfesser about my rigid pro-mask and pro-vax attitudes. Now, I do not wish most of the people I deal with to kick the bucket.
Or myself, naturally. But in his case I'll gladly make an exception.

He values 'freethinking'. His death will be an act of exemplary freethought. Not really unique, but never-the-less valued. Commendable! From several yards away at least.
This despite his probably having kissy-poo lips. Which, sadly, I have no wish to see at the present time. There are in fact few kissy-poo lips I actually wish to scope out.
Free-buggery-thinking or otherwise.

One of the wonderful things about social distancing is that people seldom come close enough to complain about smoking my pipe in public. Or for me to get a gander at their kissy-poos.

I'll admit that I am both somewhat sexist as well as ageist in this regard; if the right person pouted winsomely in my direction, I might melt, and the pipe could go out.

Evidence of a brain is infinitely attractive. Free-range-thinking is not a sign of it.

The unmoored and ungrounded cerebellum leads to loopiness and chaos. Texas and Florida. January sixth, that deranged woman representing Georgia, and the gun-nut dingo from Colorado. Infection, plagues, and, at this time, ventilators.

Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert; good examples of "individualists".

Ted Cruz, and grouse mating noises, rabies.


Freethinking is okay within certain boundaries. Latakia blends, classic Virginia and Perique mixtures, even old-fashioned burley incantations such as Bob Runowksi compounded, and some tobacco recipes from famous shops that may have disappeared.
Plus shape variations. Those also can be "free-thought".
Raspberry hazelnut cavendish, no.

Mask-up, pilgrim.


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