Wednesday, April 21, 2021


Only the Japanese could invent modern incel fetishes. Things involving underwear, strap-on ears and tails, and timid young highschool boys being terrified of strong sensual women.
Angry fox daemon girls with swords. Rambunctious outer space vixens, with electric powers and zap-ability. High school girls and tanks. Or vampires unsure of their own talents.

Not real-life women, you understand, but strange women.
Tails, horns, claws, and foreign ways of speech.

They've never quite explained where they hide their furry tails or sharp, sharp teeth.

Manga and anime are filled with male fright and female empowerment. Berserk amusement. One conclusion that can be drawn is that real life Japanese society is mind-numbingly dull, and even vast piles of sushi or raw fish do not relieve that. Another one, because of illustration and setting conventions, is that high school students sleep a lot while in class.
Or are out of their minds half the time.

I'm still giggling over a teenage vampire bleeding humoungously from her nose once a month. More so when she's too near the boy with the haunted eyes. It's a metaphor, but it does not bear thinking of what. Twisted ghastly vulnerability. Vital juices. Unbalanced European physicality. An ability to tolerate garlic.

Japanese highschool boys read these things to find out about girls.
Which is about as useful as reading National Geographic.

You could just read the manga for the snacks.
Red bean pastry. Curry buns. Takoyaki.

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