Wednesday, April 07, 2021


Having reached adulthood way back in the stone age before translated manga and computers, it is distressing to realize how immature I can sometimes be.
Especially when disappointed in life.

Here's the big and proud fierce furry badger striding back to his den with a tasty snack which he will have with his afternoon tea!

Here's an unhappy small furball wailing piteously; the snack was not what it seemed!

Being in a hurry, and the store being entirely out of Meiji chocolate candies, at the last moment I grabbed an attractive package of hopia pastries with pretty colours on the label. I should have read the text clearly printed on the package ..... 榴蓮芋頭 (durian and taro flavour).
Yes. No! This isn't what I want! At all!
What with being one hundred percent a kwailo, taro-durian paste is NOT what I fondly imagine my tea time snackipoo to be filled with. Red bean paste, maybe, or lotus seed paste.
Even sugared wintermelon, like delicious and flaky old-wife cakes.

Piteous wailing. So very very disappointed.
Tea time was totally miserable.
Feh! Feh! Feh!

Malaysians, Vietnamese, Hokkiens, and a few others.
An obscene fascination with durian.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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