Wednesday, April 14, 2021


Tomorrow morning I'll go to there again. This morning's visit to the clinic was somewhat of a waste, apparently blood tests are necessary before the doctor will see me. Which they didn't mention back in January. So, needles tomorrow morning (empty stomach!). Being only a block away from Gum Sing Market (金城平價市場), I restocked on curry pastes, and also bought cucumber flavoured potato chips for my apartment mate. Then loaded up on Lakeland Dark and avoided the suburban and tourist yutzes not wearing masks. Not to fat-shame in any way (meaning I'm going to do precisely that) ..... but they eat far too much where they are from.
Gum Sing is also where you can get Koon Yick Wah Kee Curry Powder (冠益華記咖喱粉), which, apparently, the Canadians love and can't find locally. Judging by desperate communication from correspondents up north.

It's a bright sunny day. But not warm. I didn't used to understand all those elderly people in Chinatown wearing multiple layers of clothing during "balmy" weather, but nowadays I can sympathise. They too are on blood pressure medication. It affects how your veins and arteries dilate or contract, which has a direct bearing on the body's response to warmer or colder weather.
Which explains why I am wearing TWO pairs of socks, and prefer not to go out again till after the winds have died down for the evening. See, this is why hospitable smoking lounges in every neighborhood are essential. Even if everyone there is on bloodpressure meds, the cumulative body heat will eventually build up to a comfortable level.

I've got one pipe prepped and ready to go.
But I'll wait till after I've had my tea.
When the wind has died down.

For comparison, temperatures:

SF 55°
Jakarta 78°
Manila 82°
HK 72°

And please note that even during the rainy season it's tee-shirt weather in all three of those cities. Here some people are wearing tee-shirts right now, but they're idiots.


NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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