Sunday, April 04, 2021


I have it on good authority (meaning he saw youtube videos) that there's a nano-chip shaped like a crab in the vaccine (he didn't mention whether it's the first or second jab) that "they" put in there for tracking purposes, and that one of the main reasons "they" are doing this is to keep folks from traveling. They, them, the gubmint. You know, for whatever dumbass paranoid shiznit some people believe, you used to find all the proof you needed in the Bible. But the nuts are modernizing; now there's youtube videos. Progress!

We have moved beyond the era of writing comprehensive paranoid conspiracy theories on the sides of a beat up van and driving slowly through ripe neighborhoods with a loudspeaker mounted on the roof.

In other news, the pollen from the acacia trees is drying out the mucus exudates in my nose, leading to thin long sheets of booger crust running the full length of my nostrils. This is all part of a daemonic plan by the Democratic Party to make me eat more pizza, because they're poisoning us through child slavery tomato sauce. As is written in the book of 'reveleations' and something profound by senator Rand Paul.
Who is a doctor.

Homemade pizza sauce is pure and clean and kills virusses.

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