Tuesday, June 02, 2020


Went downtown today to transact some business. The large plate glass windows of my bank in the Financial district were intact, as were the windows of the building where you can get cigars. The young white suburbanite vandals had not come that far north. Different situation on Kearney Street, where the boarded up windows extended all the way from Market Street past Pine Street, over one block into Chinatown. Showing clearly that young white suburbanite vandals righteously hate hard working Chinese Americans, because they're the man, man!
Actually, young white suburbanites are bigots and opportunists.
It's easier to be righteous when you can hate too.
And who better than a quiet minority?

Fortunately they had not penetrated any further, and the building where my community health plan has offices was unscathed. The police on Sunday must have pushed them back or gassed them; I know that they arrested several of the thugs on Market Street later.

Meanwhile, in Washington DC ....

Lincoln Memorial right now with soldiers while protesters kneel in prayer.
June 2, 2020.

Apparently soldiers at Andrews and Belvoir are suited up, armed, and have been told to affix bayonets. They are ready to go. Just in case American Citizens need to be controlled.

How ironic in several ways that the authorities positioned a huge number of armed troops in front of that monument.


There's a huge crowd of people in Lafayette Park. And we all know that the Tiny-Handed Man is scared that they might storm his bunker, drag him out screaming, and slowly tear out his guts with their bare hands.
Our military serves to protect the Tiny-Handed Man.

Many of my relatives were in the United States military, and proud of their service. There wasn't a Tiny-Handed Man in those days.

The army never told them about that.

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