Sunday, June 21, 2020


Last week the actor who played Bilbo Baggins passed away. And I've noticed that many pipe smokers on the internet are heartbroken. Which is a little insane. Because he smoked a pipe. Sad! Sniff. Yeah, no, I would be more affected if Rowan Atkinson, who played Inspector Maigret, croaked. And even then, I didn't find out that Rowan Atkinson played the fictional French detective until very recently. I find that I cannot identify in any way with any part of the Lord Of The Rings mythos other than the balrog.

Who, as you well know, was smoking. Not a pipe smoker.

I've never identified with Bilbo, any of the Hobbits, or the Elves. And Gandalf is a fundamentally problematic and tribulatory character I just can't get into.
I find the entire tale cycle to be overwrought and overrated poofle.

One can certainly enjoy a pipe without being ridiculous.

Here are the four most recent pipe drawings.

Please note: these aren't Hobbit pipes.
Real pipes. Not fictional crap.

I am incredibly glad that pipes do not feature prominently in either the Starwars OR the Startrek universes. The last thing the world needs is more fandweebs buying cutesy-poo pipes for when they dress up.

Real pipes, real people, and real tobacco.
Fruit-loop tobacco is for idiots.

[Please note: Had Hobbits actually existed and smoked pipes, they should probably have been English-made briars, and something commonly available like Prince Albert or Half and Half. Not what was sold as "Hobbit's Weed", which was far too sweet and candy-flavoured for any adult.]

Guys, how about play-acting that you're Albert Einstein or President Gerald Ford instead? Or maybe William Cuthbert Faulkner.

Not Sherlock "snooty dickwad" Holmes.

Godzilla was a pipesmoker.

Just so you know.

NOTE: Data and Leonard Nimoy did on occasion smoke a pipe. Leonard Nimoy apparently liked Kramer's English Blend, which is no longer available. But it was a standard mild very middle of the road product, not overloaded with Latakia, and had a touch of Cavendish to give it a sweetness. A decent standard mixture. There are many products in that category, both Danish-made and American. So you can easily find something similar for those days when you want to dress up with your pointy ears and make the Levite blessing hand gesture.


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1 comment:

Gakke said...

Your drawings on the blog? If so excellent work my friend

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