Friday, June 19, 2020


Yesterday California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an order requiring everyone to wear a mask in public. Effective immediately.
And about damned time.

In a twenty block walk to do various errands I saw over two hundred cretins not wearing masks. Can we shoot these people, governor?

"I have it on good word that it's considered self defense."

For weeks now I have considered people without masks to be a personal threat. That includes the idiots who do not cover their nose, as they are, unfortunately, not likely to be mouth breathers.
Though they may be Republicans.

Unfortunately I threw out the pepperspray that used to be in the book shelf with the Dutch language poetry. Figured I wasn't going to use it.

Part of the problem here is that while I have no issue with Republicans dying horribly, they walk among us.

Which means that on their way to the howling pit they might be a-symptomatic for one or two weeks, spreading infection to the rest of us. Same goes for naked people, joggers, bicyclists, skate boarders, yuppies, people walking their dogs, the willfully ignorant, misguided, and mis-informed (healthfreaks, antivaxxers, naturopathists, Floridans, QAnons, Scientologists, and Christian nut-balls), and far-right whackjobs.

Non-mask wearers should be smacked down.
Clubbed if necessary.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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