Wednesday, June 10, 2020


There are so many videos of police violence in recent days that one would assume that many police departments only hire psychopaths. And a better argument for an armed citizenry would be scarcely imaginable. Cities with asshole police forces include, but are not limited to, the following: Atlanta, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Oakland, Portland, Santa Monica, Seattle, and Washington D.C.
Actually, the list is damned well endless.

This is Republican America. There is no human decency.

Inbred Jed and the Christian Right are in charge.

A generation of fattened cannibals.

But other than burning the entire shit house down I have no real solution. The only good thing to come out of this is that, because a Trump supporting idiot and paid hack had never heard of 'Molotov Cocktails', we now know about 'Mazel Tov Cocktails'. Scottie Nell Hughes on CNN spoke of a mob hurling Mazel Tov cocktails.

Molotov Cocktails are flammable tools of protest easily made of lit rags, petrol, and glass bottles. Leave some air in the bottle.
Mazel Tov Cocktails are described as gin, lime juice, and a dash of Manischewitz, OR orange liqueur and orange vodka with a twist, OR sloe gin mixed with sparkling white wine and a little lemon.

I encourage using Mazel Tov Cocktails against the fascists.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Will do.
Aunty Kiki

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