Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Sometimes social media converges. Some of my blog-readers are also "on my feed". Which is a sentence that a generation ago wouldn't have made any sense whatsoever.

Proper social distancing is one cadaver length away. Which is what all those whiny-ass special entitled maskless (white) folks on the public street need to understand, as well as the lardo on the number thirty back from Marin.
In her case, it would also be "one cadaver width". )

["I need that seat! I'm disabled!" "Oh sorry, I thought you were just unpleasant. Poor thang."]

And those barriers at counters? In case "the salad" becomes violent -- an increasingly likely prospect -- they'll protect you.

Many of my fellow citizens are dumbasses.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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