Tuesday, June 30, 2020


One of the friend-suggestions by Facebook is a cute female, just my type too. Yet when I look at all the people who are her "friends", I notice that over ninety percent of them are pipe smoking gentlemen of a certain age. And her "likes" are almost all tobacco-related.

I smell a fish.

This person has only three posts on her timeline.

Naturally I did not send her a friend request.

Skepticism and realism can coincide.

Probably not a tobacco shop overseas trolling for customers. Just a young lady and her fetish. With which I have no problem -- as I am indeed fetishizable, though mostly in my own imagination -- but I will not share the stage with well-over a hundred other pipe smokers.
I am not social enough for that.

The badger or 'bauson' is by its nature not given to group manifestations, prefers foraging alone, and is a fastidious eater. Occasionally we will consume rabbits or chickens, and a hedgehog is a veritable feast.
Wrap it in clay, then bake in a fire for about half an hour.

Breaking off the clay takes the spines with it.

Like everything, good with sambal.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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