Monday, June 01, 2020


This afternoon president 45 showed that he is incapable of leadership and an all-round piece of garbage by threatening to send the military into states where local officials don't crack down on protests. Which, essentially, would amount to hostile takeovers of states with Democratic governors. There is almost nothing he could have said that could possibly be more inflaming and enraging. And it pretty much guarantees violence and a dramatic increase in gun ownership.

It also guarantees that this evening will NOT be peaceful. Not in the city, not in the Bay Area. Police in Oakland used flashbangs and teargas before darkness fell, and because of curfews, whoever went anywhere to join a protest is committed to staying in there until tomorrow morning
Regional transit has shut down in many areas in any case.
In other words, tonight the sh*t will hit the fan.

"I am mobilizing all available federal resources, civilian and military, to stop the rioting and looting, to end the destruction and arson. And to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans, including your Second Amendment rights."

What the F does the Second Amendment have to do with any of this? Are you encouraging the gun nuts and outright Nazis among your supporters to become violent? How crazy are you?

There was still a crowd at SF City Hall long after curfew started. Hoping that they will disperse without incident is probably ridiculous; there are some very angry people there.
Dozens of people have been arrested this evening in Oakland.

[Union Square got hit over the weekend. As did Market Street. Tonight the mob may head up Polk Street. In which case I should be hearing helicopters soon.]

Trump calls the protest "domestic terror". You stupidass twat, you ain't seen domestic terror yet. Send your troops and the first deaths will be Republican Party members. And as far as dominating the streets, the citizens own the damn' streets.
Molotov Cocktails are within everybody's price range.
And we're angrier than you can imagine.

BTW: Trump holding the Bible is f&*king obscene.

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