Thursday, November 02, 2017


This evening's browsing has, accidentally, been all about food. And lunch was not that long ago! Not hungry yet! Actually, now I am, but onward the discourse!

Someone asked about Chinese donuts, so of course I had to respond.

"Fried dough stick: 油條 yau tiu; a light airy dough strip deep fried, perfect for dunking in congee, or, when cut, dumping on top. Because of the huge air pockets it floats and must be pushed under. The measure or numeral coefficient (counting word) for strips, wires, sticks, staffs, rods, or yau tiu, is gan."

"And note that congee ( juk) is rice porridge, which is considered savoury. For an overview of congee and its place in the universe, see this post: Gloop and Fried Dough for Lunch."

Then, shortly after directing the querant to wisdom, someone on a Yeshivish (and not so Yeshivish) site wrote: "What would you give a non Jew to impress them that we have tasty food?"
Oooh boy! Gee whillikers!
Heh heh heh!

What would you give a non-Jew to impress them that we have tasty food?

Daniel: "Pickled herring, gala, and gefilte fish. They'll LOVE it!"
Jake: "Matzah, that as always been a winner with me."
James: "Gala."
Shulem: "Chulent."
Luke: "Holepshkers."
Daniel: "Go with something authentically Jewish: General Tso's Chicken."

Okayyyyy ..... (backs away slowly).

In my opinion, Daniel's suggestion was the best, but then Robert (Reuven) suggested 'pcha'. That comment takes the cake, and Reuven should win a kokkos for saying it.

In direct consequence of all that food talk, dinner is now cooling on the stove. It contains stalky mustard, Kimbo Ham and Pork Luncheon Meat, Insta-noodles (Japanese Flavour), Sriracha hotsauce, ginger, olive oil, miscellaneous substances, and nutmeg. It will be delicious!

Lechatchila, I am not at all certain it's a great idea to try and impress goyim with Ashki food. Especially not pcha (ptcha, or gala), which is made from jellied calf feet, heavy on the paprika, served with chopped eggs.
It's an acquired taste.

BTW: a number of the items listed above were discussed once, in some detail, on Dovbear's blog, along with many other foods: Holishkes (stuffed cabbage), Delkelech (a filled turnover), Shlishkes (fried potato dumplings), Nokrln (little boiled dumplings), Kokkos (a chocolate cake), Rockett-Crumbly (hard boiled eggs baked in butter and sour cream), Makkos (poppy seed paste kokkos), Diyusz (walnut paste kokkos), gulyasz (garlic and peppers meat stew), Lekvar (apricot compote pastries), and Letcho.

One commenter there even mentioned 'helzel'.
But that was never repeated.
Boruch Hashem.


A whole chicken (about 3 pounds), cut into 8 pieces.
Two or more garlic cloves, minced.
Two onions, thinly sliced.
Two to four TBS sweet Hungarian paprika.
Half cup chicken stock.
Quarter cup sour cream (*).
A very generous pinch of ground caraway seed.
Olive oil, or butter, or bacon grease (*).
Salt and pepper.

Gild the onions and garlic. Rub the chicken bits with oil, plus salt, pepper, and some of the paprika. Add to the pan and brown slightly. Now add the remaining paprika and the ground caraway, stir to mix, and add the chicken stock and enough water to barely cover. Simmer for about half an hour, then stir in the sour cream.
Garnish with plenty of chopped parsley.

(*) Adding sour cream or bacon grease is not kosher. So leave those out if you wish to impress non-Jews with delicious food without giving them the wrong idea. Personally, I'm all for giving them the wrong idea, given the various other items mentioned, but it's up to you.


I am flabberghasted that no one suggested apple noodle kugel.
Flabberghasted! What IS it with you people?

You all deserve a tuna sandwich!
Made with gherkins!

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