Wednesday, January 22, 2025


The pardon of fifteen hundred insurrectionists coupled with the firing of everyone not on board with der hamberderer rather paints a horrid picture. On the one hand, loyalty will be rewarded to the utmost to the point that murder and violence gets ignored, and on the other hand trying to do your job to the best of your abilities OR simply being a good person when that conflicts with the wishes of der hamberderer will see you shitcanned and in danger of your life because of constant threats.

Also, a churchwoman is currently getting death threats because Christianity is a foreign religion in The South and The Midwest. Where reading the bible counts as withcraft.
Much like reading a scientific paper.

The South and The Midwest are currenly snowed under.
One hopes they freeze their feet off.

Rational people, at this point, despise Southerners and Midwesterners.
Collaborators, kapos, and good Germans.
Trump does not respect the rule of law. Most of the Republican Party doesn't either.

It's like the rebirth of the nativists and klansmen of a hundred years ago.

The South and The Midwest are traitorous shitweasel territory.
Violent, ignorant, un-Christian, and uncouth.
A savage hinterland.

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