Wednesday, January 01, 2025


Rabbit rabbit. If you're reading this you didn't die in a fiery freeway crash caused by drunken teenagers somewhere in Trailerparkistan. Nor did the elevator cables snap from too many overweight intoxicated people playing telephone booth twenty floors up. Congratulations.
And a happy new year.

This blogger will lay off his usual cynical depressive crap for a brief moment and be little miss sunshine. Because we all need a little sunshine in our lives. It's below fifty degrees right now and I'm freezing my gand off, good lord I need some sunshine.

You will kindly note that I do not particularly like Winter temperatures.
This has nothing to do with an urge for naked dancing.
Even in Spring I do not participate.
Naked dancing is rather like an equivalent of terpsichorean karaoke. When everyone around me is gaily flinging their clothes to the side and twirling, twirling, twirling in their glorious flesh, I will probably be at the bar ordering another drink with a pair of sunglasses. Far enough away that no droplets of sweat may reach.

There is no point in doing your laundry if you're not going to wear it.
Today I shall do my laundry. Clean clothes are essential.
They're the first part of me that you see.
Possibly the only part.

Rabbit rabbit.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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