Sunday, January 19, 2025


One major problem with where I work is that the poisonous old goombas in the backroom love watching football. Maybe it reminds of when they were young and vibrant and not nearly as repulsive as now they are, running through snow drifts with pigskins savagely pounding the heads of everyone forced to also "sport" despite them having far greater talents at mathematics, poetry, programming, geology, or simply being human.

Like them, I too sometimes have an urge to throw things.
Either heavy objects, or simply up.
At them.

Because tomorrow is president Elon Musk's inauguration, the main games, in which the local teams had no part because evidently they suck, were today. In the middle of snow storms. Which probably explains why there was no blatant nudity. I assume that since the inauguration has been moved indoors, there will be nudity tomorrow.

Corpse eaters will be keen to show off their Christian tattoos.
As well as inflated wattles. And awe-inspiring struts.
Seeing as I do not watch snuff films or disaster pornography, I can only imagine.

Jabba will fling several people into the sarlac pit.
To the joy of Kowakian monkey-lizards.
Shrilly cackling in glee.

I am not suprised that so many Kowakian monkey-lizards are MAGA.

I'm sorry, the metaphors are fast multiplying. I shall cease before this becomes a commercial for adderall, hamberders (stet), and incontinence diapers. Suffice to say that in the same way I do not watch sports, I shall not be watching the inauguration.

It was very noisy at work today.

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