Friday, January 17, 2025


The Asian tiger mom has been thoroughly described. The Asian venomous rabid sow mom perhaps not often enough. While the first sends her kids to Harvard or Yale, and years of therapy, the second might end up having to identify bodies at the morgue, because she's such an unpleasant poisonous bitch that she causes accidents and suicides.

Yeah, okay, that may be excessively harsh.

But I got to witness one such in action, and good lord it was disturbing.

I got off the bus and strolled halfway down the block to a patch of light to fill my pipe. Careful packing, a flame applied to the surface, draw in, puff out. Leaned against the low wall while smoking a bit. Possibly somewhat over ten minutes. During that entire time a woman down at the corner was chewing out her teenage daughter, who didn't say anything. There had been an untimeliness, and the mom was taking it as the end of the world and a sign of the apocalypse. She was quite intelligible, so I understood damned well everything.
Everything repeated multiple times.
On and on.

Well shoot.
I decided I need to continue my walk because there was nothing I could do about this unpleasantness, it not being my place and my ability in Cantonese not being good enough for such an event. What would I say? I passed them, mom at full harangue, and crossed the street. Stopped to tamp my pipe, observed them crossing the streets at the intersection and walking down the other side. I could still hear the venomous sow bitch, and the dejected daughter was still not responding. At the next intersection they turned right and disappeared down the block. The noise diminished, disappearing when they entered their building.

Ignore me, I'm just part of the local wildlife. Still, don't show your ass in public so horribly, and stop being such a bitch. Think about your neighbors and fellow villagers.
They're probably embarrassed to be related to you.
If not, they should be.

I am so glad I am not related to that woman. She reflects badly on her kind.
Honestly, some Asian mothers are frightful creatures.
How utterly repulsive.


For San Francisco residents, Call the FCS Hotline (800) 856-5553, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week if you suspect a child is being harmed.
Identifying Abuse

Talk lines and in-person support are available to parents, foster families, and caregivers of youth in crisis. San Francisco Human Services Agency - Family Services

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