Friday, January 24, 2025


As you know, egg prices plummeted over the last week, and a cease fire was declared by both sides in the Unkraine. Except that woke people, trangenders, and the liberals have conspired to keep all these facts from you. Also, gas prices are at an all-time low.
Demand that your local grocery store list the real prices of eggs.
Not the deep state fake version.

JD Vance has been squirting out eggs as fast as his little arse can snap them.
They're all over the place. There are bottle necks. Be patient.

According to the media, there are over a dozen things we should NEVER say to Christians. "You're so full of crap it must hurt" is probably one of those, but I wouldn't know because I did not click on the link. Frankly, say anything you want to Christians, as they are incapable of listening anyhow and won't hear a darn thing. Their little heads are full of figmentary cherubim tootling on trumpets, as well as buttercups, donuts, and hamberders.
All they'll hear is "tell me more about Jesus" in any case.
They're easy that way.

Sadly, I shall have to deal with Christians in a few hours. They infest the back of the barn at work, even the elderly Jewish fossils there are Christian. It's like a bus with special people overturned in a ditch and they all escaped. They're roaming the countryside looking for brains. Sugar and fresh Depends™ too, but mostly brains.

Fend them off with blunt objects and electrified cattle prods.
I hate Illinois Nazis. Shut up, Elon, you're dense.
Please don't tell me about Jesus.

The last time someone tried to talk Bible to me I used the Documentary Hypothesis on them. Big time. They recoiled as if stung by garlic, and have not dared to mention scripture to me since then. JEDP is powerfully protective juju. Rabbi Akiva also works.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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