Saturday, January 18, 2025


It is with great joy and giggles that I read a nineteen sixties recipe for "Chinese chicken". It involved three cups of tomato sauce and one cup of pineapple juice, plus a stick or two of butter, used to baste oven roasted chicken bits. Yes, um. Sounds "authentic". And I hesitate to prepare it, because my apartment mate -- who is a Cantonese American -- might ask me why I'm cooking Midwestern party chow when as far as everybody knows my last Midwestern relative fled the place prior to the Russian revolution. The one over a century ago.

That recipe looks mighty Vietnamese in any case. "Here, feed this to your người da trắng ngu ngốc boyfriend. He'll love it, it's his native sustenance. It shows that you understand the depths he's come from. It speaks to the suffering of his people. It's white soul food."
And note that người da trắng ngu ngốc means approximately the same as 愚蠢嘅鬼佬。
Which often perfectly describes us Waspy types.

With all this in mind, I approached the open tin of 'American Delite' pipe tobacco, made by the estimable firm of Gawith Hoggarth, located in Kendal, Cumbria, England.
Where they are very knowledgable about Americans.

This is as American as it gets, boys. Vanilla, caramel, and berry flavours. Yeehaw.
It's rather remiscent of Hello Kitty perfume for the ladies.
Quite a fruity product.

After some drying, it smoked coolly and evenly down, no burn, and quite pleasant. I shall probably finish that tin over the next half year. Every time I work with Hector, which is about twice a month, I like to smoke an aromatic because of how his little face scrunches up when he wails "why are you DOING this to me?" in a heartbroken fashion. Then retreats weeping to the furthest corner of the building for the next hour or two. It is delicious.

Years ago I did that once or twice with Molto Dolce and Mixture 79, which was actually quite awful because I couldn't smoke anymore till the next day. That's entirely out of the question now, because there is none of either product on the premises, and Sutliff which made both of them is scheduled to disappear forever over the next several weeks, now cue the hysterical weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, by several anguished hipsters far too young to remember any similar disasters. Like, for instance, McClelland.

My coworker today loved the room note.
Hector will absolutely hate it.
I actually enjoyed it.

It's about as 'American' as Hawaiian pizza.
Should be immensely popular.
Totally. Man.

I always wear bluejeans when drinking whiskey and scalping varmints.
This lovely tobacco perfectly reflects my soul.
Gotta rebel yell now.



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