Tuesday, January 14, 2025


House speaker Mike Johnson wishes to attach conditions to any fire disaster aid given to California. He represents a state which is heavily dependent on Federal funds far greater than their contribution, so perhaps the beggar needs to reconsider what comes out of his mouth. The same can be said for a large number of other red hosebag states.

Please explain to me again why staying with that bunch of mostly Southern dirt bag impoverished religious nut territories is a benefit to California.

I'll even give you a freebie: Ted Cruz bailing out to Cancun when that big freeze hit back in 2021 was very good for all of us, and everyone wishes he would do it again. That sort of counts in favour of those places. Can you make Marjorie Taylor Greene do the same?
Say, isn't Louisiana staggeringly high in EPA superfund sites?
As well as horrible cancer clusters.

Another fact about the state that sent that dirt bag Johnson to Washington is their extremely poor literacy, with some of the worst figures for reading, writing, 'rithmetic, and graduating grammar school in the country. Probably accounts for their high incarceration rate.

It strikes me that a congressman from a state that shares extraordinarily high syphilis and incest rates with its neighbors might want to be quieter, seeing as the question isn't why California should stay in the union but rather why don't we kick those trogs out?

Yeah, okay, they gave us Cajun dirty rice.
That really ain't good enough.

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