Monday, January 20, 2025


At times like these I often remember a phrase from the Babylonian Talmud that is stellarly apposite: "Lo ha kirkus sheli, ve lo ha kofim sheli." Which basically means that the open can of dog food on the other side of the fence is always greener. Despite invading space aliens, human viruses will kill them before they can do too much damage.
Not my circus, not my monkeys.

There are two places where I am glad I'm not, today. One of them being Washington D.C. where hell has frozen over (thank you, Canada), and the other being at a place in the suburbs filled with self-made bubble men.

Instead, I will at some point head out to C'town for a snackie and a smoke, then a few hours later I intend to pack two other briar pipes in my coat pocket -- a very member-of-the-faculty looking Dunhill squat bulldog tanshell and a pip-pip-young-fellow pre-lane era Charatan De Luxe straight-stemmed prince -- and go out to have dinner with old friends, one of whom is moving to civilization and wishes me to cough up useful information and tips based on my having actually spent several years there.
The bright side to everything is that millions of Americans, while losing all chance of ever having health coverage again, will be duty bound to support the Dutch soccer team in International competitions. Team Orange. It's their colour! Olé, olé, olé!

Please hold your breath for free gas and free eggs.

Yeah, okay, some of my fellow Americans are dumber than over-ripe eggplants, but that is something I have lived with for many years, decades even, and I'm not in the South or the Midwest, so I don't really care about things going bad for them.
Also, I don't hold by Christianity.
So, screw them.

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My plan today is to get out of the house relatively early for chores and lunch, then relax with my pipe in the alleyways, avoiding the touri...