Sunday, January 19, 2025


Neil brought me a burrito yesterday. Carnitas no beans. Delicious. After several years of eating mostly crap from the convenience store for lunch at work it was sheer heaven. the burrito joint around the corner from where I live closed down a few years ago and I had been seriously jonesing for carnitas.

Which are, of course, doctor disrecommended.

Hah, what do doctors know?

Well, other than your entire medical file of course. Which strongly suggests that you've had too many burritos over the years, along with melted butter, fatty pork, whole chunks of lard, simmered fats, and buckets of asbestos seethed in garlic. And might want to go slow.
A full record of a life gustatorily misspent.

There are things there no one should know about.
Horrors very much imaginable.
Yeah, the evening was no better. I enjoyed several things which had chocolate content.
As one does. One must. Imperatively.

Today's work lunch will be something I bought yesterday.
Which was before I knew about the burrito.
Also vaguely Mexican.

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