Sunday, January 05, 2025


Yesterday I made reference to the Rambam (Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon, Maimonides) in discussion with a Jewish person, and got the distinct impression that he hadn't a clue who or what I was mentioning. On the other hand, it turned out that I had no clue that San Jose had an ice hockey team. It might be that we inhabit different worlds. Not the same planet.

This is a feeling that I often get.

Much of popular culture goes right by me. Earlier, talking with someone else entirely, James Joyce and Marcel Proust were discussed. This was not in relation to mustaches, by the way. It was a good conversation. And quite rewarding.

I strongly suspect that the person who didn't know who the Rambam was would not have known who the two mustached persons were either.

And by the way, I'm still not interested in ice hockey.
It appears to be theatrical yobbo drunkenness.
I've looked at youtube clips.
What naturally comes to mind now is the Monty Python sketch about the Philosopher's Football Match. Here's a quote to refresh your memory:

"Hegel is arguing that reality is merely an a priori adjunct of non-naturalistic ethics, Kant via the categorical imperative is holding that ontologically, it exists only in the imagination and Marx is claiming it was offside."

Something else that I think of is the person or multiple persons (there are different sources given) who stated "I have ADHD, an internet connection, really good research skills, and zero self-regulatory mechanisms", as well as the questionaire which showed that one specific respondent was multi-tentacled and looking for library books.
Both of these things really speak to me.

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