Thursday, January 16, 2025


The wildfires have shown up the United States for what Americans truly are: a bunch of narrow-minded rightwing Christian pricks. Well, that was already known. Three particular scumbags stand out. Tupperville, Johnson, and Hannity. The problem is that all this draws the eye away from Trump's bootlicking nominees for important positions and intent to gut much of the Federal governement of people with any shred of honesty and competence.

It's mighty rich getting lectures from people representing states with such high levels of ignorance, illiteracy, incest, and sexually transmitted diseases.

The four worst states in the Union, crowded at very rock bottom, are Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Nothing but trailer parks, revivial meetings, and rusty pick-up trucks on cinder blocks as far as the eye can see. No, I haven't been there. Don't want to. Ain't gonna catch syph and food poisoning from dirty hands, dirty dishes, and dirty rice.
Their standards are very low down there. Disgusting!

Over the years I've given money to relief efforts in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. Virginia, and West Virginia. With the exception of Texas, which gallantly sent firefighters to California, that will not ever happen again. They can starve, burn up, die in landslides and floods, and be hit by tornadoes and cyclones till they're screaming for all I care.
We are not all in this together, they aren't. Screw them.
Please note that the states contributing the most money by far to the Federal Goverment are California, New York, and Texas. Among the states most heavily dependent on the others are Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, which I note are all Fox News states. Poor, diseased, ignorant, and jes' bubbling over with Christianity, bless their hearts.

Note also that California is qua America's food production a powerhouse.
Y'all might starve without us. Which would be quite okay.
Good luck with the groceries, eh.

Eat some grits.

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