Monday, January 27, 2025


It seems to me that Donald Trump and his bootlickers castigating a bishop for diplomatically indicating that Trump and his ilk were somewhat off the agenda might be unwise. Primarily because his bootlicking vermin have shown themselves unstable and inclined toward violence. And might well try something.

Not a good idea.

The rest of us know exactly where every fundamentalist and evangelical church is located. It's not like they're hiding. And hundreds of years ago we learned that both people and institutions are combustible.

Heresy, witchcraft, and gibbering religious nonsense thrive in the red states.

Also worth noting is that the vice president seems to now be picking a fight with the largest Christian denomination in the world, that being the Catholic Church. It strikes me that the more-or-less rational branches of Christianity -- Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, and the Dutch Calvinists who are NOT adherents of the splittists who bailed out to the United States a century ago to which many American Dutch in the Midwest belong may they rot in hell for all eternity -- have a commonality, and frequently see eye to eye philosophically.

And often disagree with fundamentalists, literalists, evangelicals.
It's a very volatile situation. Passions could become inflamed.
And you know how heated some people can get.
Anything could spark them off.

Over the weekend someone told me that a mutual acquaintance had become a Mormon. Both of us had the same reaction, namely "good lord, why would anyone do something like that?! That's insane!" And we both thought wistfully of those glorious days five centuries ago when we'd burn people like that at the stake. Which at that time made a lot of sense.

On my morning walk with a pipe, tobacco, matches, and a lighter for good measure, I often pass by houses of worship. Only three of them are "rational" branches of Christianity, the other dozen are those repulsive and sulfurous heretical sects.
I am a cool and calm individual.

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