Thursday, January 23, 2025


Some of the newsfeed that my computer brings to my attention is clearly from the dark side. Not just Fox and The Washington Examiner or New York Post -- all three if which are clearly Nazis and KKK members fellating each other, and utterly unreliable -- but also US News and World Report, The Daily Caller, and Newsweek. The Washington Post and Politico are also getting cozy with the regime.

The problem here is that the alternatives are scarcely more reliable. The BBC, which should be a leader, has for years shamelessly pandered to the British left, and their reporting from both Washington and the Middle East lost all semblance of balance. And the Dutch newssites I read are, of course, staffed by Dutch speakers like myself. We're always right. Even when we're wrong.

How ironic that I have to read German now.
Pretty much on a daily basis.

Pages operated by the United States government have either gone dark or become cringy variations on Der Sturmer, parroting primitive crap such as one would expect from Homan, Greene, Gomert, Johnson, Musk, Patel, Trump, Tuberville, and the religious rightwing.
Or the fascist hosebags whom I have to deal with at work.
Lies, propaganda, and hubris.

Not even going to mention the Israeli press.
Haven't read those wankers in years.
And SF Gate is garbage.

It's hard avoiding the pick-up truck driving ghouls on the information highway. Especially now that Mark Zuckerberg has rolled over and offered his rear to them.
Everything is becoming part of Collin County.
The shittiest part of Texas.

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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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