Friday, January 31, 2025


The orange blob, bless his heart (Southern-speak for he's a damned moron) does not like windmills. They are out to get him. Once, during an Adderall overdose episode, he was chased by a windmill. Or something. It was traumatic, okay? Windmills are daemonic instruments of evil invented by the Dutch to stealthily take over the world.
They drain red-blooded Americans of their precious juices.

Dammit, the halfwit has found us out. He's not as stupid as he looks.
Admittedy the bar is awfull low on that one, but nonetheless.
As a Dutchman, I'll admit guilt on this.

Don't know what we would do with those precious juices, but whatever.
Like the underwear gnomes of legend, phase one, phase three.
And then, profit!

Maybe we should cut the dumb dingo a deal.
He gets to keep his precious juices.
As well as his underwear.
We're generous.
Among the many symptoms of Adderall overdosing are the following: Aggression. Agitation. Confusion. Diarrhea. Hallucinations. Panic. And paranoia. I'm not sure how I feel about chief wombat of the country being an amphetanine addict. I've dealt with people like that, seeing as I live in San Francisco, and they can reach some quite extreme states. Of course it does explain the pallets of adult diapers in the woodshed in Washington, as well as all those pits down at the property in Florida. I've heard about those things.
Apparently this is all common knowledge.

Ever larger dosages of Adderall.
And even more frantic fits.
Insane gibbering.

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Thursday, January 30, 2025


Yesterday was the second day of spring, Grant Avenue was awash with non-Chinese visiting the neighborhood for the sights and general good cheer, and it was beastly cold. A month ago I put my Canadian overcoat back into the closet, but two days ago I pulled it out again. These old bones just don't deal well with frigidity. It's not the humidity, it's the lack of heat. That is to say, I could deal okay with anything between fifty five and sixty five.
When it's forty to fifty, it get's me badly.

Please imagine that this was Texas. I would thoroughly understand Ted Cruz bailing out to Cancun in cold weather. Reptiles need warmth. A heated rock or terrarium.
Plus bugs. Lots of bugs. Slugs. And hotsauce.

In addition to all the white people, there were also many little Chinese girls looking like happy muppets in their New Years finery. Adorable. Chinese New Year is perfect for them.
Decorativity, lovely clothes, red packets, and good things to eat.

Noodles, dumplings, and new year's cake (年糕 'nin gou').
At the bakery after tea and a pastry I purchased some packets of fried dumplings (油角 'yau gok', or 角仔 'gok jai'), litle crunchy crescent shaped peanut puffs which are common at this time of year, and gave some to my landlady who lives below me. On Tuesday I brought the elderly Chinese Indonesian lady who lives in the front apartment oranges. So I have more or less observed the holiday. Please expect me to revert to grumpy old coot again next week.

It better warm up by about ten degrees then, or there will be an angry letter to the editor, complaining about the younger generation and their quite irresponsible and heartless average temperatures at this time of year. Dear sir, in my day, and all of that.
Plus people these days, no sir, and tell you what!
Savages! They're savages!

Mid forties when I left the house for a smoke. Unheard of. My teeth chattered clenching my pipestem. Back in the day you could seek sanctuary in the comfy heated cafe on the station platform while waiting for the morning train to Tilburg, warm among the greasy mechanics, workingmen, and jovial college students smoking handrolled dark shag cigarettes, and no one would mind your pipe. Light it up inside nowadays, and some bloody vegan will try to lynch you. And you cannot get there from here.
It's sad.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025


My apartment mate seeks to change the world, one step at a time. The world, she believes, has gone wrong and needs correction. My apartment mate is a bright Cantonese American woman with spectacles, strongminded (which is good), not into the Hello Kitty phenomenon (which is better), with two university degrees (which is best). The step that immediately needs correcting, in her mind, is mine.

Specifically, TWO steps. She is home today, it being Chinese New Year and she has a cold. Consequently she is in the teevee room also, at her own computer listening to an Agatha Christie story and scoping out shopping sites for men's shoes. She strongly believes that my having one working pair and two clabbered old sets of clompers that are at the end of their useful life, plus loafers for decent dress occasions, is wrong.

She does not understand the male concept of footwear. Women standardly feel that anything less than half a dozen or so pairs is insufficient. One must have choices, because after all shoes must match the mood or something, and people always look at a person's footwear first and judge the individual accordingly. One of my friends always wears Converse Allstars, another wears those leather Berkeleyite sandals unless it's beastly cold. Many men are perfectly happy with just one pair for regular, one or two other sets for whatever.
We wear the dogs until they fall apart.
A few years ago she worried that unless I dressed like a civilized person I should remain a bachelor, and would never stand any chance luring a sweet young thing into my arms as had once occurred. I should mention that a very long time ago she and I had been romantically involved, and at present we are not. Perhaps she feels that manifesting another amorous achievement will mean that I have successfully moved on.

She does not understand the male of the species.
Which is quite evident.

Shoes have very little to do with it. They are not important. When a man has a sufficiency of briar pipes and decent tobacco to smoke in them, plus a regular prospect of tea, all is right with the world. That's why we fought the Nazis.

In a short while I shall head over to Chinatown to see if my Wednesday lunch place is open today. With two pipes in my coat pocket and a pouch of tobacco. A quiet smoke after lunch, then shopping, lottery ticket, old fart transit card upgrade, and tea. And afterwards another smoke. A very stable midweek routine which mentally prepares me for dealing with the venomous and pustulant rightwing bastards in Marin on my workdays.

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Lunch had been shrimp sauce beef fried rice noodles (蝦醬牛肉炒米粉 'haa cheung ngau yiuk chaau mai fan') in the purely temporary company of an elderly somewhat 'off' white woman who changed seats four times. She could do that, because other than myself and one other customer there was nobody else there. She may have been trying to find the warmest place in the restaurant, or the chair furthest from the sound of explosions.

Afterwards, extracting funds from a nearby bank machine, someone set off a long string of firecrackers very near me. Chinatown during the day was noisy. An even mixture of Chinese and nonsuch, the first mentioned doing some last minute purchasing before new year. When I returned four hours later to wait for the bookseller it sounded like a warzone. Which did not surprise me. If I can easily find my favourite smuggled-in ciggies, you must assume that the last Eastern freighter under the bridge must have had enough explosives to blow a small town off the face of the earth.

The cargo manifest would have been a work of fiction.
And the crew were probably non-smokers.
Very highly insured.

It's going to be two solid weeks of loud noises.
At Grant and Jackson it was jam-packed with people, most of them non-Chinese, no doubt hoping that a robo-taxi would get torched there just like last year, but in the anticipatory hour or so beforehand enjoying the massive explosions. From my pipe-smoking spot a block away it did not seem that any arson or rogue vandalism was occurring, though the smoke clouds were enormous, and there had been much evidence of burnt plastic when I passed that intersection earlier. A phrase that came to mind was 屌,太多鬼佬 ('diu, taai do kwai lo'), followed by 冚家鏟 ('haam ka chaan'). Oh my, so many people. Bless their hearts.
Because I really don't like crowds. At all.
And I cuss in tongues.

Mobs of white jugend with tattoos and piercings always set off my alarm bells.
Two hours later we could see that Grant Avenue was still chaotic.
Though now with cop cars amid the billowing smoke.

While waiting for the bus a firetruck sped past.

['san nin faai lok, seui seui ping on, san tai kin hong, nin nin yau yü']
May you have a year without arsonistic white vandals.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2025


Mankind has spent an inordinate effort in insulating itself from creatures with bigger claws and fangs than itself. Which is why I'm alwasy so pleased when I encounter a coyote in the Nob Hill and Russian Hill neighborhood. The coyote takes our hubris, and raises it two. For a few of my fellow humans it must be so refreshing when they realize that if not us, at least our chihuahuas are the tempting and more accessible snack. And that coyotes provide a useful service. Eventually both us and the coyotes will live in a quieter and saner world.

Thank you, coyotes! You have been gracious!

Some of the people I like actually have pet chihuahuas. Which seems almost inconceivable, until you understand that both of those individuals are engaged in the vending of alcoholic beverages to the public, when everything clicks into place. I myself do not sell booze, so I wonder what kind of animal I should have as a companion. A duck or a goose, possibly.

I cannot imagine anything more unpleasant than following a vicious pet chihuahua around the darkened streets and alleyways of these hills at six in the morning with a little plastic baggy for the disposables the horrid beast deposits.<
It would be a sad affliction, bravely born. Because not picking up the little turd (the fewmet, not the animal) would leave clues to local coyotes that something edible was afoot. Some helpless little yappy shit (the creature, not the dropping) which was warm and juicy, and regularly richly nourished by the stupid bipeds.

How much better to ambulate along the crest with a pipe filled with lovely tobacco, enjoying the glorious sunrise over the distant East Bay Hills.

The first dawn glimmerings are at roughly quarter to seven at this time of year. Which is when the bowl of Cornell & Diehl Small Batch Carolina Red Flake w/Perique (anno 2023) is hitting its stride, the effect of that first cup of coffee has reached fullness, and the ache in the right shoulder from too much scribbling over the weekend compounded by sleeping on my side is starting to lessen a bit. There is a freshness in the air, the chihuahua is now over a block away though I can still hear it angrily growling and yipping -- probably constipated, at least I hope so -- and a local streetperson twitches under a dull red coverlet.

The coyote trotted past on the other side of the street and looked at me.
I told it that the chihuahua was that way, just one or two blocks.
It seemed to nod understandingly and continued along.

Continue on your noble quest, oh paladin.

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Monday, January 27, 2025


An anguished question from a Trump supporter: ‘Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?’

"Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?"

THE SERIOUS ANSWER: Here’s what the majority of anti-Trump voters honestly feel about Trump supporters en masse:

That when you saw a man who had owned a fraudulent University, intent on scamming poor people, you thought "Fine."

That when you saw a man who had made it his business practice to stiff his creditors, you said, "Okay."

That when you heard him proudly brag about his own history of sexual abuse, you said, "No problem."

That when he made up stories about seeing Muslim-Americans in the thousands cheering the destruction of the World Trade Center, you said, "Not an issue."

That when you saw him brag that he could shoot a man on Fifth Avenue and you wouldn't care, you exclaimed, "He sure knows me."

That when you heard him relating a story of an elderly guest of his country club, an 80-year old man, who fell off a stage and hit his head, to Trump replied: “‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away. I couldn’t—you know, he was right in front of me, and I turned away. I didn’t want to touch him. He was bleeding all over the place. And I felt terrible, because it was a beautiful white marble floor, and now it had changed color. Became very red.” You said, "That's cool!"

That when you saw him mock the disabled, you thought it was the funniest thing you ever saw.

That when you heard him brag that he doesn't read books, you said, "Well, who has time?"

That when the Central Park Five were compensated as innocent men convicted of a crime they didn't commit, and he angrily said that they should still be in prison, you said, "That makes sense."

That when you heard him tell his supporters to beat up protesters and that he would hire attorneys, you thought, "Yes!"

That when you heard him tell one rally to confiscate a man's coat before throwing him out into the freezing cold, you said, "What a great guy!"

That you have watched the parade of neo-Nazis and white supremacists with whom he curries favor, while refusing to condemn outright Nazis, and you have said, "Thumbs up!"

That you hear him unable to talk to foreign dignitaries without insulting their countries and demanding that they praise his electoral win, you said, "That's the way I want my President to be."

That you have watched him remove expertise from all layers of government in favor of people who make money off of eliminating protections in the industries they're supposed to be regulating and you have said, "What a genius!"

That you have heard him continue to profit from his businesses, in part by leveraging his position as President, to the point of overcharging the Secret Service for space in the properties he owns, and you have said, "That's smart!"

That you have heard him say that it was difficult to help Puerto Rico because it was in the middle of water and you have said, "That makes sense."

That you have seen him start fights with every country from Canada to New Zealand while praising Russia and quote, "falling in love" with the dictator of North Korea, and you have said, "That's statesmanship!"

That Trump separated children from their families and put them in cages, managed to lose track of 1500 kids, has opened a tent city incarceration camp in the desert in Texas - he explains that they’re just “animals” - and you say, “Well, OK then.”

That you have witnessed all the thousand and one other manifestations of corruption and low moral character and outright animalistic rudeness and contempt for you, the working American voter, and you still show up grinning and wearing your MAGA hats and threatening to beat up anybody who says otherwise.

What you don't get, Trump supporters, is that our succumbing to frustration and shaking our heads, thinking of you as stupid, may very well be wrong and unhelpful, but it's also...hear me...charitable.

Because if you're NOT stupid, we must turn to other explanations, and most of them are less flattering.
------ Adam-Troy Castro

[Reposted from Adam Troy Castro]

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It seems to me that Donald Trump and his bootlickers castigating a bishop for diplomatically indicating that Trump and his ilk were somewhat off the agenda might be unwise. Primarily because his bootlicking vermin have shown themselves unstable and inclined toward violence. And might well try something.

Not a good idea.

The rest of us know exactly where every fundamentalist and evangelical church is located. It's not like they're hiding. And hundreds of years ago we learned that both people and institutions are combustible.

Heresy, witchcraft, and gibbering religious nonsense thrive in the red states.

Also worth noting is that the vice president seems to now be picking a fight with the largest Christian denomination in the world, that being the Catholic Church. It strikes me that the more-or-less rational branches of Christianity -- Catholics, Episcopalians, Lutherans, and the Dutch Calvinists who are NOT adherents of the splittists who bailed out to the United States a century ago to which many American Dutch in the Midwest belong may they rot in hell for all eternity -- have a commonality, and frequently see eye to eye philosophically.

And often disagree with fundamentalists, literalists, evangelicals.
It's a very volatile situation. Passions could become inflamed.
And you know how heated some people can get.
Anything could spark them off.

Over the weekend someone told me that a mutual acquaintance had become a Mormon. Both of us had the same reaction, namely "good lord, why would anyone do something like that?! That's insane!" And we both thought wistfully of those glorious days five centuries ago when we'd burn people like that at the stake. Which at that time made a lot of sense.

On my morning walk with a pipe, tobacco, matches, and a lighter for good measure, I often pass by houses of worship. Only three of them are "rational" branches of Christianity, the other dozen are those repulsive and sulfurous heretical sects.
I am a cool and calm individual.

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Sunday, January 26, 2025


At long last I am beginning to understand why some men who are not me are single: they are flaming holes. The men who are me are single for an entirely different reason: they're kind of grumpy and on the spectrum. How do you know someone is on the spectrum? Talk to them. At some point there will be an information dump. Without even realizing it they'll monologue over something in great detail, providing so much more as an answer to a simple question that you may regret asking, or start having an existential crisis.
Plus they're probably good at trivia.

Among the men who might be me (but isn't) is one gentleman who visits me work regularly, whose company I enjoy, and who is a welcome relief from the men who are distinctly not me. For one thing, even though he likes American football, he isn't obsessed by it, and does not wet his undoubtedly very distinguished looking undies when "his" team does something totally stupendous. Unlike Jeff, whose chair remains vacant once he has left.

Also, he doesn't make unseemly noises when the stupendous thing is done.

Jeff sounds like a cross between a rabid dog, a full-on Southern politician, and a heretic just dying to be burned at the stake, at those times. Despite being sober.

As the man who is me that irritates me intensely.

I dislike loud noises. And screaming oafs.

There was too much sport today.

Overmuch idiocy!

Let us not talk about Jeff's damp and frilly panties.

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You seldom hear about toilet paper stockpiling anymore. Nearly five years ago it was quite the thing, with suburban Americans fighting each other over the last pallet down at the great parking lot super stores, insulating their Venetian ranch-palazzos with it, filling their fall-out shelters, and sending angry e-mails to their congressmen about all those foreignese-speaking brown people stealing our bumwipe and what is this world coming to?

At that time, the closest people in Chinatown got to panicking was about some basic supplies for stormy weather. Two fifty pound bags of rice instead of one. A few extra cans of luncheon meat and fried dace (鯪魚) with black beans. A back-up bottle of oyster sauce.

The great toilet paper panic was probably mostly suburban.

Kind of Pokémon or tamagotchi for bums
Not something that affected me.

My apartment mate, knowing that white people such as myself were inclined to panic over the state of our sit-upons, always made sure that there was an extra twelve pack or two, and I didn't actually get off my duff to buy any, simply buying a couple of tins of dace, as well as making sure we had a variety of dried noodles just in case the suburbanites came to town looking for trouble.
The only person in this building likely to have worried about sufficiencies of soft yet strong white tissues is religious-tract woman downstairs, because what with being a simple-minded Christian she probably associated with a lot with white people. A trusting sort of person.
Given her faith, she probably believes all kinds of crap.

Because of the extraordinairy weather in some of our southern states, some people have not been able to leave their homes in days. They're mighty glad they stocked up on toilet paper now. It's so warm and cozy! And it can be used for other things! Hygiene for instance!

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Saturday, January 25, 2025


Tonight, in some parts of the world, a large steaming object is carried in accompanied by screechy music. It is carved up and served, with two indigestible side dishes, and copious draughts of whisky are used to wash it down. Or at least past the tonsils. More screechy music. Recitation of doggerel. Scratchy woolen skirts. Burns Night.
Coincidentally this year it's on a Saturday.

This is happening nowhere within at least ten blocks of me, and somehow I do not miss it.
I have previously made haggis, and consequently I do not ever eat it.
But I fully stand behind the perverts what do.
I am there in spirit.

There is NO vegan version of haggis. Without the organs of a deceased animal, it cannot exist. Made with substitions it is entirely pointless. It is like steak tartare made with tofu.

Have you considered some nice white folks soybean curd, perhaps stuffed with alfalfa sprouts before you fry it mahogany brown, to go along with your unspeakable music?

It has been well over a decade or more since I participated in a Burns Night celebration.
It was before cell-phones were so common, so there is no visual evidence anywhere. No photos, no videos, and no recordings of my screechy voice reciting mangy Scottish git doggerel in a Glaswegian snarl. The witnesses are all unreliable in any case.
They were not sentient or aware of their surroundings when I left.

Seeing as I never memorized Burns' alleged poetry, I recited some German verse instead.

Im düstern auge keine träne,
Sie sitzen am webstuhl und fletschen die zähne:
Deutschland, wir weben dein leichentuch,
Wir weben hinein den dreifachen fluch ...

Followed by 'Surabaya Johnny' which has always been one of my favourite lieder, along with the 'Bilbao Song'. And as I cannot sing worth diddly squat, I recited these as somber odes. Auf Deutsch.

Look, I wasn't vested in Burns crappy poetizing that evening, I had spent an entire day making an unspeakable horror of the Scots "cuisine" repertoire involving muck and sheepsguts, vapours, heat, lungs, and chopped bloody bits. This didn't inspire an appreciation of smelly tattooed savages with blue bottoms and ginger beards.
Or noise produced by squeezing an angry cat held in the armpit.

Happy Burns Night.

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Friday, January 24, 2025


As you know, egg prices plummeted over the last week, and a cease fire was declared by both sides in the Unkraine. Except that woke people, trangenders, and the liberals have conspired to keep all these facts from you. Also, gas prices are at an all-time low.
Demand that your local grocery store list the real prices of eggs.
Not the deep state fake version.

JD Vance has been squirting out eggs as fast as his little arse can snap them.
They're all over the place. There are bottle necks. Be patient.

According to the media, there are over a dozen things we should NEVER say to Christians. "You're so full of crap it must hurt" is probably one of those, but I wouldn't know because I did not click on the link. Frankly, say anything you want to Christians, as they are incapable of listening anyhow and won't hear a darn thing. Their little heads are full of figmentary cherubim tootling on trumpets, as well as buttercups, donuts, and hamberders.
All they'll hear is "tell me more about Jesus" in any case.
They're easy that way.

Sadly, I shall have to deal with Christians in a few hours. They infest the back of the barn at work, even the elderly Jewish fossils there are Christian. It's like a bus with special people overturned in a ditch and they all escaped. They're roaming the countryside looking for brains. Sugar and fresh Depends™ too, but mostly brains.

Fend them off with blunt objects and electrified cattle prods.
I hate Illinois Nazis. Shut up, Elon, you're dense.
Please don't tell me about Jesus.

The last time someone tried to talk Bible to me I used the Documentary Hypothesis on them. Big time. They recoiled as if stung by garlic, and have not dared to mention scripture to me since then. JEDP is powerfully protective juju. Rabbi Akiva also works.

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Thursday, January 23, 2025


Some of the newsfeed that my computer brings to my attention is clearly from the dark side. Not just Fox and The Washington Examiner or New York Post -- all three if which are clearly Nazis and KKK members fellating each other, and utterly unreliable -- but also US News and World Report, The Daily Caller, and Newsweek. The Washington Post and Politico are also getting cozy with the regime.

The problem here is that the alternatives are scarcely more reliable. The BBC, which should be a leader, has for years shamelessly pandered to the British left, and their reporting from both Washington and the Middle East lost all semblance of balance. And the Dutch newssites I read are, of course, staffed by Dutch speakers like myself. We're always right. Even when we're wrong.

How ironic that I have to read German now.
Pretty much on a daily basis.

Pages operated by the United States government have either gone dark or become cringy variations on Der Sturmer, parroting primitive crap such as one would expect from Homan, Greene, Gomert, Johnson, Musk, Patel, Trump, Tuberville, and the religious rightwing.
Or the fascist hosebags whom I have to deal with at work.
Lies, propaganda, and hubris.

Not even going to mention the Israeli press.
Haven't read those wankers in years.
And SF Gate is garbage.

It's hard avoiding the pick-up truck driving ghouls on the information highway. Especially now that Mark Zuckerberg has rolled over and offered his rear to them.
Everything is becoming part of Collin County.
The shittiest part of Texas.

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One of the things that gives me immense pleasure is that the overwhelming majority of people whom I count as friends, both real world and on the web, are good and kind people.
On the right side, as far as ethics, morals, and sympathies. Sure, a number of them are somewhat goofy by my standards, but they're folks I can trust to do the right thing.

It is quite unlikely that most of this country's Christians can say the same.
Fortunately I do not know very many such people.

Many are more literate than I am.
Christians, again, not.

This is something that came to mind while outside walking with my pipe twenty minutes ago, when I saw a rude statement scrawled on a wall, with two (!) mispellings lined through, and corrected in different handwriting. Obviously someone with greater literacy than the original graffitist had passed by and taken exception to 'f*ck donold trunp'. It's 'f*ck donald trump'. With an 'a' and an 'm'. Please spell it correctly, so that the sentiment hits the target.
That's very important! F*ck donald trump.
It's been over ten years since I cut a local litigator out of my list of friends and associates. I'm still glad I did so. Along with a cat-loving neurotic Karen, he was a real piece of work. There are in fact a number of people whom I do not associate with anymore, and several others whom I would wish to be quite rid of also, except that I encounter them at work.

Neither the local litigator nor the cat-loving neurotic were good and kind.
Both of them were absolute self-absorbed pissants.
And remarkably Christian.
Though Jewish.

I cannot myself claim to be particularely good or kind. Or Christian. Like my late mother of blessed memory I too harbour resentment and enmity for years, often very intensely.
Nowadays it's mostly directed at truly reprehensible people.
So I've improved over time.

By the way: that walk with a pipe, first smoke of the day, proved truly enjoyable. The tobacco was Cornell & Diehl's Carolina Red Flake with Perique, in a Charatan zulu from decades ago, before British pipe making largely went to hell.
It's time for more coffee.

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Wednesday, January 22, 2025


The pardon of fifteen hundred insurrectionists coupled with the firing of everyone not on board with der hamberderer rather paints a horrid picture. On the one hand, loyalty will be rewarded to the utmost to the point that murder and violence gets ignored, and on the other hand trying to do your job to the best of your abilities OR simply being a good person when that conflicts with the wishes of der hamberderer will see you shitcanned and in danger of your life because of constant threats.

Also, a churchwoman is currently getting death threats because Christianity is a foreign religion in The South and The Midwest. Where reading the bible counts as withcraft.
Much like reading a scientific paper.

The South and The Midwest are currenly snowed under.
One hopes they freeze their feet off.

Rational people, at this point, despise Southerners and Midwesterners.
Collaborators, kapos, and good Germans.
Trump does not respect the rule of law. Most of the Republican Party doesn't either.

It's like the rebirth of the nativists and klansmen of a hundred years ago.

The South and The Midwest are traitorous shitweasel territory.
Violent, ignorant, un-Christian, and uncouth.
A savage hinterland.

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One of the glandered old fossils in the garbage room at work (where there is a teevee) is an appalling apologist for every reprehensible klootzak in the Republican Party, which seemingly consists entirely of baby killers and kitten torturing deviants with small penises -- and not that there's anything wrong with that, to quote Seinfeld sarcastically -- but he actually does have one minor redeeming feature; he likes spicy. As a consumer of hot sauces he's probably an anomaly in his sleepy suburban burg, and the neighborhood children throw stones at him.

At least I should jolly well hope so.

But that's not the point.

It wasn't until the late eighties or so that spice and chilipaste became accepted in California, though only in urban areas, because underneath our liberal facade we're actually a bunch of frightful conservatives and puritans here. Which is why you should never visit the hinterland; that's where the human centipede and the Donner party live. Lassen, Modoc, and Placer.
All of which are vile and virtually Alabamaesque in their loathsomeness.
Also where syphilis is more common than the common cold.
Although usually kept within the family.

I've been there a few times. I got indigestion.
A few years ago when I took a train trip to Washington, the train stalled for several hours on the California Oregon border, somewhere in the mountains. I was the afraid that the yokels would lynch us when they woke up in the morning. Despite (or because) of their hangovers from swilling sixpacks of Coors and Michelob the previous evening at the dog fights.

It should be explained at this point that Sriracha Chili Sauce is neither Vietnamese nor Thai, having been invented by a Chinese refugee from Vietnam, in Southern California, named after a vacation town on his bucket list. The company which he started has the name of the Taiwanese freighter that found him drifting in the South China Sea and picked him up. Two of the other sauces he made were Sambal Oelek and Sambal Badjak, for Dutch-Indo exiles in the Los Angeles area. That last does not appear to be produced anymore.

So screw all those imitations from overseas, there is only ONE Sriracha Chili Sauce.
Made largely with red ripe Jalapeños harvested in Mexico.

Sambal badjak (pirate sambal) is actually very easy to make at home. Take a generous cupful of sambal oelek (mortar sambal) and half a dozen shallots, a few of cloves garlic, five or six kemiri nuts (which can be left out if unavailable), and a thumb of galangal or ginger, with a dollop of shrimp paste and a teaspoon to a tablespoon of palm sugar or regular sugar, and whirr all these to a paste in the food processor. Then dump in the skillet with enough oil to keep it from sticking. Cook while stirring till it is dense and dark brown in colour and smells toasty. The key idea is that the shallots have caramelized and the water content of everything has been largely removed, so that it's rather oily, and will easily keep. Used as a table condiment, optionally with a squeeze of lime.

You should probably be careful doing this, especially in the hinterlands, because neighbors may come banging on your door demanding that you surrender your visitors as they wish to know them. Even if you explain that you do not have a Levite and his concubine in your abode, nor teenage daughters, they will not be satisfied.

ICE might come knocking at your door too.
Looking for foreigners.

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As I usually do, I headed over to Chinatown to have a smoke before my friend the bookseller got off work and we could do our regular pub crawl, which starts his weekend. And by pubcrawl is meant bite to eat plus wine for him soda for me, followed by a beer for him and tea for me at a different place, then a shot of whiskey for him and more tea for me somewhere else.

Years ago it involved lots more whiskey. Then I decided that, having discovered that a certain medication I had recently been praescribed for daily use might interact badly with alcohol and destroy my liver (infinitesimal chance but still), I cut out the alcohol entirely.
Tea is a wonderful beverage at any hour.

One can be quite insane on tea, but in a completely sober way.
Though I still appreciate Scotch and Irish.
As intellectual conceits.

I also avoid fugu fish. Which isn't hard. Surprisingly.

Chinatown this evening was quiet, except for the wandering loonies loudly emoting (white and black), the chattering drunken partiers (white and black), the employees of two or three local establishments having drinks and smokes after a feast celebrating the end of the year (Chinese New Year is coming up), and the group of people trying to kill each other (entirely white) at one intersection. Without all the non-Chinese, it would have been quieter.
Every year there are plaintive posts from people elsewhere about having to smoke their pipes out in the cold, and do our wives or kinfolk allow us to do so inside? How do we do it? Well, I live in California, and am familiar with warm clothing. People today in Florida were quite horribly surprised. Falling iguanas are a thing there, whereas warm underwear is entirely unknown. It also snowed in Louisiana. Same situation, but with alcohol.

No snow here. There will be no frozen pipesmokers or torpid large lizards to discover tomorrow morning. No blankets of white, or igloos.

I would have drawn that iguana with a sweater, but they have spines along their back, and it got ripped. So he's indecent. Sorry.

We didn't go to the karaoke place. It was filled with singing white people.
And honestly, no one deserves that.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2025


The weather has been a bit colder these past few days, which makes the streets at night seem unfriendlier and more worry-inducing. It's a blood circulation thing, people from the next generation down probably would not feel that way, being still filled with vim and vigour at their age. Unless they're from a tropical part of the world, in which case they're saying "it's so frigid here, Gringo, how you can live?" Which is why we seldom see Texans at this time of the year. Oh wait, they flee their state in droves when there's a cold spell.
I've heard Cancun is full of them.

In Florida when it's cold the lizards fall out of trees.

No Floridans either. We are so lucky.

Also, we have no falling lizards here. And Cancun is too far for our uglies. The closest we get to either of those are shapeless lumps under scraps of foam and tattered blankets snoring in doorways downhill from the building where I live, or occasionally muttering "got a cigarette?"
If you pass by just after dawn and they haven't stuck their eyes out of their blankets and observed that you are a pipesmoker, and thus considerably less likely to have a spare cigarette than normal people wandering the streets at that hour.

I actually did have a spare cigarette, because I sometimes carry a pack of Camels -- that great advertisement from the fifties with the doctors sharing smokes and coffee after doing housecalls and operations still speaks to me -- but not any extra coffee; that was drunk before I left the apartment for my morning smoke.
Also, I recognize that worry induced by cold is both more extreme than it used to be, due to age, and coffee simply tweaks that a little further. So I do not let anxiety dominate. I am not a tourist from the rest of the country scared that a violent drug-addicted transgendered insane person will throw human faeces at me with no warning if I step outside the hotel, and why are there no sandbags or fat southern sherrifs with guns guarding the perimeter? Where is the machine gun emplacement? The concrete bunker with ice tea? The potted palms so necessary for our discomfort? The nearest Waffle House?

This place is uncivilized, heck and darn it, we want to go back to Alabama!

North of the DMZ, there is almost no homeless poo on the pavement. Most of it is around large chain hotels near Union Square, where it will be replenished daily for American tourists and visiting Fox News reporters; they've grown to expect it. BTW, that's also where we keep the Fentanyl-addicted Midwestern immigrants. I have not seen anyone shooting up or defecating in public in nearly five years, and I actually do get out much.

I just don't go near Macys, Nordstroms, or the tourist zone.

Or wherever they serve California Pizza.

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Monday, January 20, 2025


At times like these I often remember a phrase from the Babylonian Talmud that is stellarly apposite: "Lo ha kirkus sheli, ve lo ha kofim sheli." Which basically means that the open can of dog food on the other side of the fence is always greener. Despite invading space aliens, human viruses will kill them before they can do too much damage.
Not my circus, not my monkeys.

There are two places where I am glad I'm not, today. One of them being Washington D.C. where hell has frozen over (thank you, Canada), and the other being at a place in the suburbs filled with self-made bubble men.

Instead, I will at some point head out to C'town for a snackie and a smoke, then a few hours later I intend to pack two other briar pipes in my coat pocket -- a very member-of-the-faculty looking Dunhill squat bulldog tanshell and a pip-pip-young-fellow pre-lane era Charatan De Luxe straight-stemmed prince -- and go out to have dinner with old friends, one of whom is moving to civilization and wishes me to cough up useful information and tips based on my having actually spent several years there.
The bright side to everything is that millions of Americans, while losing all chance of ever having health coverage again, will be duty bound to support the Dutch soccer team in International competitions. Team Orange. It's their colour! Olé, olé, olé!

Please hold your breath for free gas and free eggs.

Yeah, okay, some of my fellow Americans are dumber than over-ripe eggplants, but that is something I have lived with for many years, decades even, and I'm not in the South or the Midwest, so I don't really care about things going bad for them.
Also, I don't hold by Christianity.
So, screw them.

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All over the warmer parts of the country, people are gaily disporting and dancing semi nude with red white and blue ribbons. Because the dark ages of the enlightenment are finally over. Jimmy Carter is dead, Adolph Biden has been defeated, Christianity reigns triumphant, and Elon Musk is president. Well, if not president, the power behind the throne. The trained monkeys will be unleashed on the enemies of everything good and pure and covefe.
Pam Bondi and Kash Patel will show them what.

America will finally be white again.

It will not have escaped you that the warmer parts of the country are, with the exception of Arizona, all in the former slave states. The Midwesterners won't be dancing nude.
But they are dancing, in their gay arctic parkas and long johns.

For the purposes of this essay, Gujaratis are white.
You can't get any more white than that.

Honestly, I never thought the term "treacherous Republican shitweasel" would become common. These are glorious times. Bring out the popcorn, it's going to be a show.

Eggs will be ninety nine cents a dozen again, gas will be below two dollars, and all those dang Spanish-speakers will be deported to Greenland.

Get ready for sumptuosity!

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Sunday, January 19, 2025


One major problem with where I work is that the poisonous old goombas in the backroom love watching football. Maybe it reminds of when they were young and vibrant and not nearly as repulsive as now they are, running through snow drifts with pigskins savagely pounding the heads of everyone forced to also "sport" despite them having far greater talents at mathematics, poetry, programming, geology, or simply being human.

Like them, I too sometimes have an urge to throw things.
Either heavy objects, or simply up.
At them.

Because tomorrow is president Elon Musk's inauguration, the main games, in which the local teams had no part because evidently they suck, were today. In the middle of snow storms. Which probably explains why there was no blatant nudity. I assume that since the inauguration has been moved indoors, there will be nudity tomorrow.

Corpse eaters will be keen to show off their Christian tattoos.
As well as inflated wattles. And awe-inspiring struts.
Seeing as I do not watch snuff films or disaster pornography, I can only imagine.

Jabba will fling several people into the sarlac pit.
To the joy of Kowakian monkey-lizards.
Shrilly cackling in glee.

I am not suprised that so many Kowakian monkey-lizards are MAGA.

I'm sorry, the metaphors are fast multiplying. I shall cease before this becomes a commercial for adderall, hamberders (stet), and incontinence diapers. Suffice to say that in the same way I do not watch sports, I shall not be watching the inauguration.

It was very noisy at work today.

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My plan today is to get out of the house relatively early for chores and lunch, then relax with my pipe in the alleyways, avoiding the touri...