Sunday, October 23, 2022


In the good old days, we'd give the little kiddies winkies an abundance of existential angst when they came to the door on Halloween. Can't do that any more, the little sh*theads have become all cynical. Now we simply feed them scrumptious hot pizza pockets, and terrify their parents when they hear about all the gluten, dairy, and meat. "My little Aundray was a vegan until you corrupted him, you evil man. He'll probably run away and join the circus after this!"
And little Aundray smiles a daemonic little smile.
He's tasted the world beyond Marin.
And man, it's good!

For five years now they've dressed as orange goblins.
Blue suits, red neckties, incontinence diapers.

Really ugly fake suntans.
It was terrifying.
This Halloween, do I go as Mitch McConnell or a little shepherd girl with fishnet stockings? Such a difficult choice to make, don't you agree?
Either way, I need a cattle prod.

Gotta go down to the old folks home and tell them their retirement is toast.
Republicans plan to steal their trick or treat money.
Slash Social Security, Medicare.

Spent all day in Marin. Man, that place is a hell hole.
It's filled with Karens and entitled hosebags.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Dress up as Nancy Pelosi - finding a dress and wig should be easy and no need to shave your legs. If anyone asks aboot your beard, tell them you’re a Trans Pelosi. Neat idea huh? By the way, you been to G&Y Bakery Restaurant? Been there twice now. The curry pork chop still stands out as my fav dish. Thus far.

Some updates, albeit sad ones: Ron of Ron and Mel passed away as did Charlotte’s husband. I know you won’t publish this but thought you should know.

The back of the hill said...

I already knew about the two you mentioned having passed. Baruch Dayan Emes.

Never tried the pork chop at G&Y. And should note that in Hong Kong English, "bakery restaurant" seems to mean a chachanteng. There is no bakery on the premises, there are no baked goods there.
Sometime soon I will have to try the chop.

Had the braised cod (石斑) chunks over rice there yesterday afternoon.

Will disregard the advice about dressing up. Nancy Pelosi is a fine person (for a politician), who pisses off and stymies the Republican swine nicely. Truly a credit to our city.

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