Sunday, October 23, 2022


It is profoundly disturbing that so many people I know have not gotten their Bivalent booster shot by now. They plan to, they have approximate dates by which, but they haven't actually decided to get off their duffs and walk into the no-appointment necessary clinics. They're going to do it on such-and-such date, for sure. They just haven't done it yet.

No sense of urgency whatsoever.

Sheer gobloggery.

No, I'm not asking the Republicans. I'm quite fine with them getting sick and possibly dying. There's a vast red blob between the coasts that as far as I'm concerned can go and croak. We are not the same, we are not in this together. The pork industry and the insurrection proved that.

Several of the Republicans I know in fact got Covid the first time around, and survived.
Which was very disappointing.

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