Saturday, October 22, 2022


"Is she going to sing 'superfreak' for the rest of eternity?" Nope, just this evening. See, the Asperger brain sometimes gets stuck on a groove. It doesn't help that her singing is rather "entertaining". One of my friends says that what is wrong with assertive women is that they sing the most terrible things.

I'm not at all sure about that. Superfreak is the anthem of my generation.


My apartment mate also likes Zadok The Priest. And the Radetsky March. All of these can be looked up on youtube. I suspect that this is a side of her with which her siblings may be entirely unfamiliar. Seeing as good Chinese girls usually don't display all their feathers while living at their parents' house. This is stuff that doesn't come out until they're browsing e-bay in front of their computer in the teeveen room with a stuffed turkey vulture on their lap.

[He's stuffed because he had some of my dinner.]

Meanwhile, I'm using paint on the computer to draw Mount Tamalpais.
The kind of place where you'll find one of the boys in your platoon face down in a rice paddy, having been whacked over the head and left there by "them". The Republicans fighting the legitimate government. Tattooed savages! He's deathly white, because he's dead and has been sucked dry by the leeches, which are now thick as your arm. I hear drumming muffled by dense foliage; the junior chamber of commerce is out tonight.

When I stepped out for a pipeful of tobacco after feeding the turkey vulture, three vacuous-looking party blondes were coming up the street bearing bottles of champagne. They saw me smoking and looked revolted. I had no problem avoiding them. Horrible creatures come out on Saturday evenings, and what with being an antisocial man of decent taste, I prefer the company of eccentric Chinese American women with Aspergers vastly over yuppie slag boozers. The latter are alas more common than the former.

On work days I am exposed to the natives of Marin County. Which reminds me of Burmese Days by George Orwell. Don't worry, I've had all my shots. My doctor has made sure that I'm fully vaccinated against all manner of illnesses, and there's chloroquine somewhere, in case malaria becomes an issue (rainy season) or I have to drink unboiled water.
Burning tobacco keeps the bugs away.

Savages, Jeremy, they're all savages!

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