Tuesday, October 11, 2022


My apartment mate plans to get her bivalent shot this weekend, and I hope she really goes through with it. Naturally I want her to survive. I've been encouraging some people to get this third shot, and I've kept silent to others. Because I am selective. And altogether pissy.

Most people with common sense will probably get the bivalent booster soon.
Many people with sh*t for brains will justify not doing so.
It's not a political issue, but it is.

What with being an unpleasant man, I can think of many people whose early demise would not upset me in the slightest. Not all of them are celebrities or politicians or Tucker Carlson.

They all think that they are worthwile human beings.

They are wrong.
This morning's walk with a pipe will be alone in the fog, as usual, after finishing my first cup of coffee and reading the news. Hot coffee wakes me up and gets the vital juices flowing, reading the news pisses me off and gets the vital juices flowing, and an early walk while smoking calms me down, distracts the mind, and also gets the vital juices flowing.
I am a much better human being afterwards.
Perhaps a little more worthwhile.

I'll repeat the process several more time today, and eventually be a saint.

By the way, some of you should really get that third shot.
The others, naaah, forget it, you're good.
No need, no need.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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