Wednesday, October 05, 2022


Much of the stuff I read is either scientific or related to history and languages. Wikipedia is an endless source of fascination -- the embedded clickable links within any article are often new rabbit holes -- and sometimes the bloggosphere reveals people with obscure specialties and incredible depths of knowledge.

[Yes, I know that Wikipedia has been criticised. But there are checks and balances there, it's self-correcting over time, and as long as one reads about controversial subjects with a modicum of scepticism, it's extremely reliable. Most of the nuts have gravitated to the dark webb (Truth Social, 4-Chan, Instagram, Snapchat, Percenters, and Wyoming Armed Rabble Patriots Inc.). Collectively, the violent and mostly Republican bat shit crazy fringe.]

And, sometimes, I enjoy true crime.

Or read about sleaze.

Having acquired a new book recently, I am fully occupied at present.
Need to tear myself away from this one, so that I can go have lung lei yü (龍脷魚) over rice, with sambal, and milk tea on the side.

The book pictured above is about former president Donald Trump. Whom I believe is a true Christian. I effing hate Christians.

This iteration of Cornell & Diehl's Carolina Red Flake is pretty damn' good.

I've made sure I've got several tins of it.


Many Trump-voting Christians probably smoke shitty aromatics, a very popular category of pipe tobacco that far outsells the decent stuff. Or they purchase scented candles and wear pants with stretchy waist bands. Wyoming, I hear, is filled with them.

Rightwing Christian shitholes: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

They can all go suck on a potato.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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