Monday, October 03, 2022


The horrid office tradition of Taco Tuesday, a made-up occurance of scant appeal and no significance, gets a shot in the arm tomorrow. Which is National Taco Day. Trust me, this doesn't equal National Donut Day, June 2nd. this year, when we celebrated Dutch American heritage, dressed in clogs and tulips, and drank Pappy Van Winkle bourbon, as we pranced gaily down main street in a festive parade with drum bands and majorettes.
Oh, it was fabulously festive, a celebratory family event!
I didn't do so, but I assume you did.

Never-the-less, and evenso.

National Taco Day.

A good reason to start drinking at six A.M. Either añejo tequila or Pappy Van Winkle bourbon. To wash down America's favourite food, which George Washington ate at Valley Forge before he slept here.

As if you needed an excuse for tacos and añejo tequila or Pappy Van Winkle bourbon, you dog you. Any occasion or national holiday is as good a reason as any for tacos and añejo tequila or Pappy Van Winkle bourbon! Mothers' Day, Donut Day, July Fourth, Christmas! Even Hallowe'en, when you add seasonal Autumn pumpkin flavour to everything, from Starbucks frappooh to cough syrup to scented candles.

Embassies and consulates of the United States will host parties for local dignataries and invited well-wishers where they'll serve tacos and añejo tequila and Pappy Van Winkle bourbon. It's a way of winning friends and influencing minds favourably among them.

Bunting, we must buy bunting!
We need to decorate!

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